Introduction to Havoc Q&A - Dev Blog

This fixes a lot of DC issues but I know there are folk (including myself, unfortunately) who use the Disconnect mod or use Task Manager/other programs to instantly kill the game without requesting a close like Alt+F4 does.

I’m assuming the latter couldn’t really be policed, but could the former be?

EDIT: To clarify, both of these are useful to me: Disconnect allows me to rejoin a game if I get softlocked, and SuperF4 lets me instantly smite any program that’s frozen/not being cooperative.


I did. And this is just ranked with normal missions. Unless you forgot to mention special mutators and modifiers in your idea because all you have about it is “regular mm playlist with 2-3 fast rotating options per difficulty”

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So if alt+F4 exploit is fixed will speedrunning be fixed as well? Because it’s very easy to finish missions this way and I’m sure there will be people who do it and get max Havoc Level in a day or two.


I play on Xbox and the game crashes every now and then I appreciate you guys not just penalizing everyone who may have possibly just disconnected! I’d hate to get penalized for the game crashing.

Flawless proposal is flawless

A day? Try a couple hours at most :rofl: Auric takes a lot longer when you stay fighting enemies, not doing objective. This is gonna be your defense to the harder levels run and complete objective. Then when you reach your desired rank you can stay and fight/ just enjoy the game is what I’m thinking.

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I might miss it, but what with rewards?
In Wow for exemple, there reward for completion harder dungeon/raid - is items with higher Lvl items + item with bigger lvl at start of the each week at Treasure, which depends of difficulty of completion and also additional choses for amounts you completed.
But we have or weapon craft, then its just cosmetics?

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I hope they implement a quarterly rank reset and add new rewards to prevent this from quickly going into dead mode.


to me havoc mode sounds good as it is

the only thing, i hope there will be enough rewards behind this challenging content to reward players doing it! lot of frames, titles and cosmetics i hope

Yeah the whole vibe of “keep coming back to this every week OR ELSE…” has been done to death and I hate it.

Why can’t it be something you can do on a backlog like weaves?


Thank you for confirming, that you did in fact not actually read what i said.
That goes for both of my posts that you responded to.

I did not say anywhere, that it would be normal missions.
In fact, i said the opposite of that.

I immediately stated, that the 5 havoc difficulty levels would all be damnation+.
Aside from that, every single time that i mentioned any difficulty in the original post, i specified that it would be “damnation + x” as in “damnation difficulty with additional difficulty modifications added”.

And in my response to your first false claim, i stated this:

To which you again, replied and claimed that i was talking about normal missions and forgetting to mention any special modifiers.

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I wouldn’t even mind, if there were factions/npcs quests, activities, more mission types and things to grind aswell as another level of itemization like armor pieces having stats.

But damn they are still trying to convert DT into mmo-ish game while not having enough systems and loot.


Seeing lots of people thinking H40 will just be a cakewalk to get carried through. I guess we’ll see how that holds up on release.


Say it with me:

“Player retention”


What’s the point of this? Limiting number of maps player can choose again for no good reason?
You have a nice system that provides wide variety of maps, and yet you block it, ridiculous.

Yeah, this seems quite unwise.
I hoped that we’ll get some proper way to distinguish between skilled and not players, but it is getting ruined even before it is released, I’m quite disappointed.

I see not everyone understand, how much carrying can just one person do. In a game where with enough skill you can solo everything, carrying isn’t that undoable. Two great players can basically drag everyone, even the worst potatoes, through the hellfires.

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Can u do this mode in private lobbies?
I never play public, i just LFG so i can talk with teammates it also makes reconnects easier. Hearing how leaving games works make me wonder how private lobbies work with the rankings.

some very great good player couldn’t solo past 36. :smiling_imp:
it will be very hard, they are putting behind party finder because with pubs will be for real not possible. because content meant for premades/people that are dedicated to do it

for anyone that tried weaves in vt2 knows how were actually (but fun) challenging to the extreme.

This is the only redeeming feature compared to Weaves.

Without that, you will not find groups after the rush at the release ebbs away.

The active players will stick to their highest available one, the newer ones might be played, but if you are caught in the middle you are doomed to wait ages for groups. This happened before. No reason to make this happen again.

Thats a mistake in my eyes.

Warframe “recently” released its hardest game mode, you can play once a week. Opening a Lobby will greet you with a pop up that reminds you that this game mode was designed for full parties, not random lobbies. After you clicked on “understood” you are free to queue up with random gents.

Looking for people always eats time. It will be fine at the start, but it will get worse the longer Havoc continues, especially if it is as hard as FS thinks it will be. I much rather game with a thrown together party and struggle playing, than struggle to find enough people to play.

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Don’t worry, they removed the scoreboard because of toxicity and removed solo play so you can see how non-toxic people are. Fatshark is all about promoting a non-toxic environment