Inspiring Barrage nerf

Needs to get reworked, or removed as a blessing from any weapon with high mobility. Any rework should either involve a substantial nerf, or a change from stacking toughness regen, to toughness dmg reduction capping at something like 15%.

In regards to high mobility weapons, lets use the autopistol as an example, it has a high mobility, which is meant to be relied on to avoid damage.

Being able to use it as supersoaker, to spray away at enemies and counter any need for anything should not be a thing. The combined regen + high mobility + any feat/perk, it can easily overpower any source of damage.

This makes Mobile weapons + Inspiring barrage, unbalanced, and should not be available to them as a blessing.

On the Ogrynn weapons it is fine, they are low mobility, slow, etc. but should recieve a minor nerf to its toughness regen.

have you like, tested it? it’s very bad. it doesn’t work like eg confident strike at all, the gains you get to toughness are not remotely like “gain back 50% of your toughness” or anything.

i would describe it as urgently needing improvement to compete, definitely doesn’t need a nerf.


The numbers behind it are… odd. While the value of toughness isn’t the same across classes, it does the autopistol variant gets to double dip - it gets the higher % recovery and in 2/3 cases, it’s operating with a higher base toughness pool (not considering curios for now). While the classes lean on toughness in different ways, but making one variant 5 - 10 times more effective than the other is a big leap

With the Stubbers or Flamer, you could argue that is for balance purposes because they can maintain continuous fire more easily (which the stacking rate should address tbh), but everything else is a bit less ammo efficient so how do you even use it effectively?

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I can only agree. From the discussions we have in Discord, Inspiring Barrage doesn’t seem to be a popular pick at all.
It’s one of those Blessings you slap on if you really really got nothing better to use (and there is a lot of better options out there).


i would maybe guess that the OP observed someone using a pistol and gaining a bunch of toughness back, and if so the user probably wasn’t using inspiring? much more likely to be a vet using the +toughness on elite kill feat, that pairs with the pistol absurdly well, or maybe a psyker using quietude?

here is a game i recorded, i’m most assuredly not using inspiring barrage (pinning fire+blaze away). watch my toughness routinely go to 0 then get refilled instantly.

Don’t feed the troll.
Let it starve.

No idea.
I am not that deep into the lore of the forum trolls. :smiley: