Ingame Lexicarium (Lore/Enemy Information Wiki)

Hello, I decided to propose this as feedback for the game and explain it a bit in detail. As we all know in Darktide we are confronted with a lot of things relevant to us in gameplay, especially enemy types and a lot of lore information.

What I want to propose is an in-game function like a little lore/library of information every player has access to, might even expand it to have story information about locations and so forth.

Due to the amount of many special enemies and feast requests

sometimes to confront specific enemies or types of enemies it would likely be a good addition to having a resource to check what exactly is meant. I made a very rough example of the idea but just having a general resource giving us some kind of clue of weak spots, enemy skills, and such will help newer players, plan for how to skill themselves if you want to focus on specifics and be nice to have

Excluded from the mockup down below I would have things like HP stats varying on difficulty, weak spots, what kind of skills and damage they deal, and maybe a bit of lore about them while also giving a short recommended strategy to deal with them.

Yeah, this is my idea for the game which I think would be a QOL improvement. Thanks for reading and apologies for my wording, I am not the best at conveying what I am trying to say.


This would be nice indeed. Especially having the lore and behaviour of the mob described.

As for weakspot it feels like that is covered by the meatgrinder feature. Having a version with active AI would be great to have mock 1v1 fights and test how their attacks can affect us at different ranges (with different curios equipped etc) but that is an entire feature that goes beyond this scope. Though linking both would be awesome. Reading up on a mob and being able to jump into the meat grinder from the npc info page.

Nice suggestion i say!
It would be great addition Especially if some VO work is combined with the info page for accessibility <³

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There actually is an NPC in the hub that we can’t interact with yet, that looks exactly like it’s meant to provide such functionality, but most likely this was cut from release version in favor of a cosmetic cash-shop, daily quests or whatnot, that they deemed more important at the time.