Infernus Blessing burn stack inconsistencies

Issue Description:
After 1.0.22, Infernus Blessing applies burn damage inconsistently, making the definition of a burn stack unclear. Prior to patch 1.0.22, 1 burn stack from a Recon VId would apply 22 damage and follow a linear burn damage stack pattern to a cap of around 130-140. Now burn stacks follow a non-linear damage stack to a severely reduced cap. Testing in the Psykhanium will yield the following results:

Infernus +1 burn stack per crit (Recon II):
1 stack = 2 damage per tick
2 stacks = 8 damage per tick
3 stacks = 16 damage per tick
4 stacks = 42 damage per tick
5 stacks = 44 damage per tick
6 stacks (cap hit) = 61 damage per tick

Infernus +2 burn stacks per crit (Heavy Laspistol)
2 stacks (1 crit) = 10 damage per tick
4 stacks (2 crits) = 35 damage per tick
6 stacks (3 crits) = 75 damage per tick

If this is not a bug, can you please provide some sort of explanation for the differences in the burn stacks both intra and interweapon?
If this is a feature and not a bug, can you please provide some sort of definition for a burn stack? That way players can understand how burn works, as opposed to assuming that it’s something that applies equally between all things. E.G. Maybe including in the description how much damage a burn stack applies per weapon. That would clear up any confusion (as long as it follows the appropriate curve on a damage output graph).

As it stands, one would assume that if burn stacks are an equal trait amongst all weapons then it would follow similar curve patterns.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Enter Psykhanium
  2. Equip a weapon with “Infernus” Blessing
  3. Compare burn damage after critical hits

Mission Name (If Applicable):


Player ID:
[Steam ID/Steam Profile URL/GamerTag]

Approx. Time of Issue & Timezone:
After patch 1.0.22

Reproduction Rate:

Upload Supporting Evidence:
Infernus +1 stack blessing, 1 stack - Recon II

Infernus +1 stack blessing, 2 stacks - Recon II

Infernus +1 stack blessing, 3 stacks - Recon II

Infernus +1 stack blessing, 4 stacks - Recon II

Infernus +1 stack blessing, 5 stacks - Recon II

Infernus +1 stack blessing, 6 stacks - Recon II

Infernus +2 stacks blessing, 1 stack - Heavy Laspistol

Infernus +2 stacks blessing, 2 stacks - Heavy Laspistol

Infernus +2 stacks blessing, 3 stacks - Heavy Laspistol

[Screenshots, recordings, links to Twitch VODs, etc.]
Upload Console Log:

  1. Press the Windows key + R
  2. Enter %appdata% within the search input and select ‘OK’
  3. Navigate to AppData\Roaming\Fatshark\Darktide\console_logs
  4. Locate the console log that corresponds with the session in which the issue occurred, by looking at the timestamps in the log names
  5. Upload here

Upload darktide_launcher.log:

  1. Press the Windows key + R
  2. Enter %appdata% within the search input and select ‘OK’
  3. Navigate to AppData\Roaming\Fatshark\Darktide
  4. Locate the darktide_launcher.log in this directory
  5. Upload here
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Got dmg vs unyielding on heavy pistol by any chance? and none on recon lasgun.

No, I made sure to pick weapons that wouldn’t have damage modifiers.

Not too interested in the difference between the two weapons, trying to get answers to the lack of a curve when it comes to Burn stacks.

Edit: I want to know what a burn stack is, and how it stacks damage, because 2->8->16->42->44->61 makes no sense to me


Yeah, it’s whack. I just tested it with my hellbore with apply 2 stacks up to 6 and it has same curve as your lastpistol and not like the recon gun. ( the dot dmg is affected by sniper perk, something i did not realize until now, just a little sidenote ).
Zealot flamer stacks go 2 > 8 > 16 > 28 > 42 > 59 > 78 so that’s even different.
I wouldn’t be surprised that they are actually all seperate burns and work differently. Recon lasgun blessing for instance is not the same as other guns blessings. It can only go up to 6 stacks on tier 4 while others go 9 on tier 4 so maybe they coded them to deal different damage as well. I’m at a loss here.

Edit: Soulblaze has a nonlinear damage scaling so maybe burn has some funky scaling as well. Other the fact that some burns seem to not be equal to others

Yeah, there are 2 different Infernus blessings. A +1 burn stack (recon guns) and a +2 burn stack (all other las-weapons).

Theoretically though, they still should equally apply burn stacks, meaning 2 crits from the recon II (2 burn stacks) should equal 1 crit from the laspistol/Helbore/Kantrael (also 2 burn stacks). But my laspistol data doesn’t match the recon data:

2 burn stacks: RII - 8 DPT; Laspistol - 10 DPT
4 burn stacks: RII - 42 DPT; Laspistol -35 DPT
6 burn stacks: RII - 61 DPT; Laspistol - 75 DPT

Normally when a game mechanic like burn is defined, it should have some underlying consistent calculation. Else “Burn Stack” means nothing.

Maybe it was fatsharks way of further nerfing the crit burn recon build. It was really strong in beta and they nerfed it with limit max stacks. Maybe in their infinite wisdom also changed how the recon infernus burn damage scales creating this disparity.
I’m also against such weird inconsistencies.

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In the Darktide game of bug-or-feature, the inconsistencies of the Burn Stacks as currently implemented make me believe it’s a bug. Prior to 1.0.22, as far as I can remember the Recon VId followed a linear burn stack path of 1 burn = 22 ish DPT, up to a 6 stack of 130s-140s (can’t rember exactly and I deleted all my screenshots of them).

Because of course this makes sense… Hahaha

Yeah, I think something is wrong with Burn Stacks calculation. This furthers my suspicion (because it makes no sense for burn stacks to call for the vet perk). But FatShark has proven me wrong in the past

There was a stealth nerf for T3 infernus in 1.0.22 , due to a bug before 1.0.22 where T3’s 6 stacks of burn dealt the same damage over time as T4’s 9 stack s of burn.

I heard of the stealth nerf. I just want to know why the Damage Per Ticks are so different for each additional stack. I’m assuming it’s a bug, and am waiting for FatSharks response.

Hi Dev here!

First thank you for taking the time to report bugs.

This is how it works currently: A burn stacks have a duration in which it does damage ticks. When that duration is up every tick after that will decrease the stack count by 1. Next tick the stack count is lower and does less damage and decreases the stack count once again, until you reach zero when the brun is removed.

Adding a burn stack when en enemy is burning resets the duration before it start decreasing.
In this case the burning have started ticking down but you add a stack to it, reset the duration but end up at a different level then first.

Lets take an example.

You get 2 crits in a row and get up to 0→2→4 stacks. Then it ticks down to 4→3→2→1 stack. Then you crit, adding 2 stacks on top of that and get that to 1→3 stacks. Then you crit again and gets it up to 3→5 stacks. Since the blessing maxes out at 6 stacks if you do another crit you will go from 5 → 6.

The damage scales exponentially depending on the number of stacks so when it goes down it goes down invert exponential.

Damage is done depending on the armor type of that enemy and some other factors so burn damage will apply diffidently on different enemies. Burning on the same enemy should give the same damage ticks per stacks independent of weapon.

Example of stack damage:
Stacks - Damage vs Reaper per tick
9 - 123
8 - 100
7 - 78
6 - 59
5 - 42
4 - 28
3 - 16
2 - 8
1 - 2

All player weapon that causes burn uses the same burn-stacks and will add together. Soulblaze works in principle the same but is a different debuff so they will stack and tick individually and have different damage characteristics.

Also to give extra clarification: We had a bug where som traits got the benefit of the highest tiers even if they where lower. This was the case with the Infernus blessing and was fixed in 1.0.22.
Burning have worked the same since the closed beta and the only difference we madein 1.0.22 is fixing the bug with the blessing tiers.

EDIT: I also want to add that any other bonuses you have will be applied to fire that YOU have started. So if you give extra damage vs X from talents or weapon perks, curious etc that will be applied to the fire damage as well and might modify the damage taken by the enemy. So the above example table might not be exact correct for you depending on your loadout.

Best regards / Guen


Hey, thanks for the reply. Any hope of recieving a buff to total ammo for Recon Lasguns? Currently they consume far too much ammo per DPS. Even with infernus, which now doesn’t add all that much damage, they hoover up way too much of the ammo on difficulties 4 & 5.

Thank you so much for this

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