Infernus not applying right number of stacks?

Last update #13 notes:

Infernus does not seem to apply the right number of stacks ? It appears to be applying OLD values.

Tested in meat grinder w/ Debuf Indicator mod on point blank plague ogryn (talents apply)
Recon 6d, 2& 7 w/ Tier 3 infernus seems to only be applying max 6 stacks for 79 a tick, listed as max 8
Recon 6d & 7a w/ Tier 4 infernus seems to only be applying max 9 stacks for 164 a tick , listed as max 10

The new ver LUA uses 6 & 9 (old values)?

There’s a duplicate entry w/ different values, orphan leftover from older ver likely overriding new values, but the new values not being used are also wrong for Recon lasgun from what the notes say?

templates.weapon_trait_bespoke_lasgun_p1_burninating_on_crit = {
	weapon_trait_bespoke_lasgun_p1_burninating_on_crit = {
			target_buff_data = {
				max_stacks = 6,
				num_stacks_on_proc = 2
		[4] = {
			target_buff_data = {
				max_stacks = 9,
				num_stacks_on_proc = 3
templates.weapon_trait_bespoke_lasgun_p1_burninating_on_crit = {
	weapon_trait_bespoke_lasgun_p1_burninating_on_crit = {
			target_buff_data = {
				max_stacks = 10,
				num_stacks_on_proc = 4
		[4] = {
			target_buff_data = {
				max_stacks = 12,
				num_stacks_on_proc = 4

OLD Lua:

templates.weapon_trait_bespoke_lasgun_p1_burninating_on_crit = {
	weapon_trait_bespoke_lasgun_p1_burninating_on_crit = {
			target_buff_data = {
				max_stacks = 6,
				num_stacks_on_proc = 2
		[4] = {
			target_buff_data = {
				max_stacks = 9,
				num_stacks_on_proc = 3

Same for laspistol_p1.
Recon lasgun_p3 doesn’t have duplicated entries but has old values.

Things don’t seem to line up, I’m assuming the notes are meant to be correct as the description was updated. Need sleep, let me know if I got something wrong.

P.S. There was a dev clarification on dots a while back, talkign about old values.
P.P.S. With the upcoming changes to the VId it would be nice if this was all sorted out.
P.P.P.S. I still find it hilarious that blessing is called “burninating”, I’d forgotten and it made keyword search longer.


can confirm it is only apply up to 6 stacks and only 1 at a time with a tier 3 blessing(which lists 2 stacks per crit up to 8 stacks)


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