Issue Description:
The chainsword blessing “Devastating Strike” which ignores enemy hitmass on critical hit prevents the special attack from chainsword unless the target is wearing carapace armor.
Tested lots of hits with chainsword that has the blessing “Devastating Strike” and noticed that the special attack only works on crits, if the crit lands on an enemy that is wearing Carapace Armor where it is hit.
If enemies wear flak armor or are unarmored, the critical hit will prevent the chainsword special attack.
Steps to Reproduce:
Just go to the psykanium with a chainsword with the appropriate blessing and attack enemies with different armor classes using only chainsword special attacks. Notice from yellow damage(crits) that the chainsword special attack doesn’t work unless you hit a location wearking Carapace armor (so either maulers in the head, or crushers).
I’m afraid that this behaviour is intended, actually! Chainswords, Chainaxes and Eviscerator’s special attack is meant to latch onto the first target it can’t cleave, and this blessing is giving the attack insane amounts of cleave.
If you think this isn’t how it should be, though, feel free to pop a thread in the Gameplay Feedback section, we’ve got eyes there that take note of all feedback.
No that just can’t be the case. First of all special attacks with chainsword can’t cleave at all. They latch on to first target no matter what, unless you have this blessing and the strike crits.
Particularly given that it relies on armor class(as you can see in the video). Maulers who have carapace helmets can be special attacked even if it crits, but can’t be special attacked-critted on body shots because they’re wearing flak on the body. So you can crit them in the head, but not crit them on the body with special attacks. That doesn’t make sense.
More generally it means crits literally disable the special attack when you have the blessing. They objectively make it a worse weapon as then you can’t rely on revved attacks to take out specials or elites. This HAS to be a bug.
Special chainsword attacks are of critical importance when taking out mutants, dogs, etc. Having this blessing and getting crits on special attacks then means the blessing is an actual liability as you can’t rely on the special attack.
I’m gonna try to take out that mutant that just ran into a wall but God help me if I crit!
C’mon. This must be a bug. It should be trivial to simply disable the blessing on special attacks, since they’re not supposed to cleave anyway?