Inconsiderate team mates

I rarely complain with the random I get matched up with. Ive only voted one time to drop a player due to that player refusing to get on the elevator several times. I’m not the best player nor the worst I’m average but i try hard and Im a team player. Last night I got pinned down by gunners and my team ran off and left me
. I got out of the jam and I was concerned a trapper or dog would show up, plus my health was really low. I rushed down some stairs to catch up with the team and didn’t see or hear the demon host. I set it off and accepted my fate. The asshat veteran that I saved 3 times along with his as clown friends got on the mic and said “you shouldn’t have done that we where lucky to get out alive.” well stupid had you not left me behind I wouldn’t have been in that situation. Unexpected things happen, and if someone sets off a demon host run you stupid moron. you guys where so far ahead of me It didn’t even know you were there.
My point is mistakes happen and with the green lighting people are going to set off a deamon host. you either fight or run don’t punish the player it could’ve been a simple mistake. I left that mission. I seriously doubt the made it. you had a mic ass you cold have said hey watch out for the demon host at the bottom of the stairs you didn’t. So hey suck it big guy. I hope you live a long fat happy life in your moms basement.

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