Here’s my next power creep suggestion…though making the non-meta weapons work better may not influence the top tier as much as making a more fun tier in my opinion.
Skipping Empire Sword/Shield and Sword/Mace because there pretty much perfect.
Elf and sienna flame sword skipped for bloating the topic.
Bretonnian 2H Sword:
Rotation Adjustment: Light+ Light+ Charge(1st Charge) another sweep rotation.
Damage Adjustment: Charge 3 needs an increase as it’s the single target damage heavy (which has no significant damage boost)
Riposte: Just needs to block faster, wouldn’t be opposed to instant block while charging to see if it’s too powerful at reduced stamina for weapon to 1-2 shields.
Gives Bretonnian 2H Sword even more flair and style, rewarding players who master rotations to get swings they want. New riposte feature rewards and punishes allowing more defense for few hits but open during a barrage.
Empire 2H Sword:
Rotation Adjustments:
-Main/After Push Attack, Light Attacks: 2 Rotation headshot swings
-After Charge Attack Light Attacks: 2 rotation sweeps as is
Maintains the current playstyle while adding more AP options.
Executioner Sword:
Light Attack: Less damage revert attack speed or More damage slower attack speed
Heavy Attack: 2nd Charge attack heavy sweep. Push Attack + Charge into 2nd Charge
If we’re going to slow down executioner sword may as well go all the way giving it more punch for the squeeze of such a big weapon. Changing the light attacks like this will make Executioner Sword the first weapon to have a pseudo 2 charge attacks rotation more rewarding to a planning player more detrimental to the button masher.
1H Sword:
Push Attack: Headshot swing + light attack into 3rd Light
1H Sword has plenty of sweeps adding an AP to the push attack seems like best way to make it more versatile against armor
Bretonnian Sword & Shield:
Damage or Speed: More
It just needs more of one or the other, right now E.S/S outperforms it just by being faster at the same damage, the one thing B.S/S wins in is aesthetics