Ideas for new/rework passives or keystones!

Greetings everyone!

Thought it’d be fun to brain storm and just mess around with how changing some passives might improve the game. Maybe it’ll inspire FatShark down the road? Please no dumping on FatShark. Just keep it fun/creative and let’s see what happens!

Ogryn Crunch - Up to 60% increased impact based on heavy swing charged attack

Vet survivalist - remove and give to all classes no matter what. Replace with “replenish 1% of HP per elite kill”

Psykers disrupt destiny counting anyone who kills it as +1 charge (instead of only you)

Ogryn unstoppable: increase movement speed by 1% per enemy struck with heavy hit, stacks up to 10%. Lasts 10 seconds

Zealot stalwart - gain 2% toughness everytime you trigger or refresh blazing piety

Replace Infectious Zeal with - 2% reduced toughness damage for every enemy hit while under blazing piety. Stack 10 times and lasts 5 seconds

Zealot Marty’s purpose - increase duration of ability and damage of blitz by 10% per missing wound.

Ogryn No Push Over - Pushing an enemy increases stagger by 30% for 3 seconds

Zealot Slippery Slide - increase length and duration of slide by 10% for every attack dodged in the past 10 seconds, up to 3 stacks

Psyker Warping Wrapper - inflicting warp damage pulls in surrounding enemies within 3 meters to enemy inflicted by warp damage. Cool down of 5 seconds

Feel free to expand on my ideas or create your own.

FatShark - read these and be inspired :crazy_face:

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This is usually paired up with weapons that use the Thrust Blessing, and those already one shot even without it (at least in regards to shovels). Maybe it will one shot harder?

Is there a stun threshold I’m missing?

No. First of all we don’t need more player survivability especially for ogryns.

Secondly, the more I play other classes the more I realize veteran really doesn’t have much going for him. Don’t take his f*cking ammo regen.

Better change. Let it mark any enemy of any tier.

Or do both.

Uh. Idk. Ogryn is largely balanced around his movement speed (or lack thereof), but this could be neat.

Anything buffing zealot is not needed. At all. I cannot state this strongly enough.

They are the best class in the game. Leave them as is. You don’t want them in FS crosshairs.

Too op for trauma staff. It’s the best staff for psyker, and you’d be buffing it again.

No, even a near-perfect shovel with Thrust IV and +25% Carapace still needs Crunch (and Heavyweight) to one-shot a Crusher.

Also, Crunch is perfect as it is. With how long it takes to auto-release charged attacks, it makes the talent a high-ish risk, high reward for when you really need that extra punch.

Thought you just needed like 2 stacks of heavy hitter, but ok.

I’ll have to test that tomorrow with my ogryn friend because he didn’t have Crunch and was one shotting Crushers, but maybe there was something I was missing.

Ah, I’m not using Heavy Hitter, so that might be the reason. The 25% resistance from FnP is just to good to pass with how many gunners there are lol

You run gunner resist x3? My ogryn friend, and I duo aurics. He can just kinda wade into gunner packs as long as he has chaff to restore his toughness along the way.

Those would replace current passives.

Yea some of those might be OP. I was more focused on the idea and less about numbers. A balance pass would definitely have to be done.

So far, I would say every class plays very different and I would slightly lean towards Ogryn as being the most OP. I am zealot main (played only zealot up until patch 13 basically and I started in beta).

I just finished my Ogryn this week (last tune to get to 30!) and I thought he was insane. I was doing damnation at 20 and auric at 25…easily. And that’s with a controller :crazy_face:

I couldn’t do that with the other classes

You can queue friends into auric sub 30 I guess? I never knew that. I’m the one that does mission select so I missed that I guess.

Besides the point though. Zealot is the strongest because it has been proven to be capable of soloing everything through high damage, and insane mobility.

Ogryn has a very low skill floor because it trivializes melee combat for the most part through insane damage and staggers. My friend I duo aurics with who mains ogryn didnt know dodge was a thing until over 150 hours in. He thought because he had shield that meant dodge was disabled.

Never came up because he could kickback/rock the trappers. Wouldn’t have found out about it unless we hadn’t started said duos, and we had to deconstruct why he was getting hit by so much stuff.

I say all this, and still maintain that zealot is stronger. I define the classes strengths by what is possible on them not by their average player. Ogryn is countered by ranged mobs en masse, or anything that can abuse his large size and poor mobility. Zealot has no counters.

As a game gets older more and more players will reach the stage where they can solo hardmode twins, or melee only true solo Damnation as example milestones that have already been hit.

Sorry it was a regular damnation but it was Hi int Shock Trooper…so auric as far as I know? Correct me if I’m wrong

They are definitely different classes and my dodge game is insane (probably because I main zealot).

I run the bully club 3b or whatever with a kickback. I never get touched by melee, stagger basically everything, trivialize monstrosities (huge difference vs zealot) and surprisingly…kickback is just nuts. I can outsnipe a sniper with it 90% of the time. It takes like 3 shots to kill it when they are super far away but it staggers everytime and they just die. Gunners, elites, shooters, etc in medium range get one shot and if they are grouped up I swear most of the time they ALL get one shot lol it’s insane

I prefer zealot gameplay (evis with my headhunter autogun) but man I’d be lying if I didn’t tell you I think Ogryn is superior overall.

I did a maelstrom last night and it must of been a party of 3 trying to run with a lvl 22. Those 3 died over and over and over again and I literally solo’d at least 25% of the match lol. I got caught by a trapper at the end and we lost but I don’t think I could have done that with any other class.

Ogryns trivialize ranged imo more than melee. That toughness regen on heavy hit is broken and if they don’t die from one shot from my kickback, the stagger lets me run up and follow up with a big BONK😎. Now that I think about it, I probably play Ogryn much more aggressive than what I usually see (like a zealot if that makes sense to you?). Idk if that is the right way to play him but it works for me haha

I think you technically just need 5 stacks of heavyweight to be able to one shot crushers with a thrust blessing according to my own tests with a shovel that has 20% carapace damage on it.

Crunch just makes the process a lot easier and basically “on demand” since you can one shot crushers without having to rely on a full stack of heavyweight.

Unless we are talking about the blue shovel, i have not tested that one out because of the crafting system being what it is.

Im still new at Ogryn so I’ll have to try the shovel still. Crunch just felt pointless to me since the time it takes for a full swing is forever and there is a direct correlation between your attack speed and how good many of your passives are (toughness on hit, bleed on hit, etc), so it seems to make those passives worse. I didn’t like that. Am I missing something?

Its a bit situational.

I tend to skip Crunch when using other ogryn weapons unless i am using the thrust blessing since it combos so well with it.

Also, being able to one shot crushers and maulers with the shovel without having to rely on a full stack of heavy hitter is pretty nice as well, although i really dont like the ogryn shovels all that much so i dont bring them too often.

But it is basically a 1 point investment that offers a lot of benefit to certain weapons and blessings.

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Listen, I don’t disagree with any point make you about ogryn. Gunlugger with kickback made my level 19 ogryn massively outscore max level characters.

Doesn’t change what I know about zealot.

A dagger zealot does not need ranged weapons, or blitzes to be on par with every other class. The cool thing is they still have them. Plus you can just slap on a bolter, and just laugh it up every time there’s a crusher pack, or boss since you can fully rely on throwing knives to kill specials if need to actually hit them at ranged.

IndiCrusher is also nutso. Stun everything forever, but puts heavier reliance on the throwing knives since you can’t just omae wa up to everything at warp speed.

Honestly, it just comes down to the fact that in the current state of the game all classes are good, but the melee ones are just head and shoulders above the ranged ones.

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