Ideas for new collectible type

Hi everyone! I’ve just finished the penance about collecting 100 scriptures and I’m about to complete the one about grims as well. But I’m the kind of player who likes that stuff, so I was thinking about more collectibles to add to the game.
I came up with two ideas.

  1. Cogitators and dataslates
  2. Delivery items

The cogitators and dataslates are rather simple: somewhere in the map is a cogitator that can be interacted with to download some data (it can be hidden within the already existing cogitators, but it’s recognisable because its screen flashes red). Once it starts working, enemies will flock to its location to destroy it. If the players manage to protect the cogitator until it’s done downloading, it will produce a dataslate which can be collected and extracted. The dataslate goes in the Boosters slot and cannot be removed, so a player carrying a dataslate can only receive boosters from other players - which imho is a good way to encourage using that feature.

The deliverable items are given at the beginning of the level (dropped by the Valkirye, or found in nearby crates) and must be carried (similarly to batteries, cooling rods, and so on) and delivered to specific locations along the way or even at the end of the level; players carrying these items will aggro nearby enemies. The reward for accomplishing the deed is great, but it requires having a well coordinated group.

I really really want more penances

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As long as these are side objectives my group can freely ignore, I don’t see any reason not to add these. Just don’t want to be forced into that stuff.

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You’re a masochist. : P

I think we have enough collectibles and secrets as is, so aside from adding a couple easter eggs to the maps I like the dataslate idea the most. Have some collectibles hidden like the Martyr’s Skulls throughout the map, and give players a codex to browse through the lore of the War for Atoma - what led up to it, what was the tipping point, Scab leadership documents, and more.

Right now a lot of the lore from the game is, once again, from eternal sources - there’s very little we’re told ingame about why exactly Atoma is infested with heretics. Doom 4 and DoomE both have lore collectibles, and they’re entirely optional for players who just want to get to the violence - why not do the same thing for Darktide?

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Out of interest, do corrupting Grimoires actually exist in WK40K lore?

I don’t know much about WH in general but a quick google suggested they did in End Times / Age of Sigmar (Vermintide2) - they were where wizards wrote down their spells - but fast forward 40000 years and I can’t find reference to them easily at all. I’d expect even vellum to have deteriorated, if not the inks, in that time.

Anyway. I think they’re a failed idea in Darktide. I got the idea in VT2 - better loot rolls for higher risk - but given that money is pointless after a certain time playing, and the emperor’s loot rolls feel entirely disconnected from mission hardship, I don’t see their purpose? Feels maybe like FS included it because VT2 had it and “why not” , but it adds nothing for me to the game.

Grimoires do exist, they’re shown on certain miniatures or sorcerers.

They’re side objectives, they work for what they’re supposed to do.

For future secondary objectives:

  • Nurgling Purge: Multiple Termite like Mounds are placed on the maps, they need to be destroyed, as it get damaged from melee weapon Nurgling will pop out and start to mock the Rejects while create corruption area.
  • Altar Destruction: Multiple Altars need to be destroyed, as they get damaged they cause special patrols to spawns.

Yeah these would be secondary objective. Same as grimoires or scriptures, just to have a bit more variety.

  • Nurgling Purge: Multiple Termite like Mounds are placed on the maps, they need to be destroyed, as it get damaged from melee weapon Nurgling will pop out and start to mock the Rejects while create corruption area.
  • Altar Destruction: Multiple Altars need to be destroyed, as they get damaged they cause special patrols to spawns.

These sound like very good ideas as well. I guess the nurgling purge would go hand in hand with the Corruptors, while the altars fit any levels.

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