So a really common concern is lack of variety in missions on top of the inability to choose one’s mission.
To spice it up, I propose the Mission Pre-Selection being coded in a way that the following is the case:
Every mission difficulty level should have 1 basic mission with no modifier + 2 others with a 100% chance for mission modifier + side objective. The modifiers should all be wildly mixed, so that there is no period where one isn’t on the board. The only exception being Sedition.
Re-enable all the modifiers that you had previously coded and disabled, too. This way you truly get the experience you guys were initially shooting for - Wildly unpredictable missions whenever you log in. So far the game generates way too many missions that have nothing.
Example: There are 13 missions on the board. This what should be on it.
-Sedition Baseline
-Uprising Baseline
-Uprising with Hunting Grounds + Grimoire
-Uprising with Lights Out + Scriptures
-Malice Baseline
-Malice with Old Fog + Grimoire
-Malice with Hi-Intensity + Scriptures
-Heresy Baseline
-Heresy with Low-Intensity + Grimoire
-Heresy with Lights Out + Scriptures
-Damnation Baseline
-Damnation with Hi-Intensity + Grimoire
-Damnation with Old Fog + Scriptures
If you want to feel extra spicy, you could not include a Baseline mission guarantee, so all the missions have at least one modifier.
Dev-Hard Mode:
→ Make some missions with two modifiers available.
→ Create even more modifiers to spice things up further