Idea for new enemies :nurgle:

:green_circle::red_circle:New character

:green_circle::red_circle:Plague priest

:green_circle::red_circle:Idea: the plague priest would be an elite character who would attack spells at medium distance (approximately: 8 to 10 meters), the spell would be 2 slow projectiles that can be dodged or destroyed.
If the projectile hits a hero, he becomes infected with a toxic cloud, receiving damage per second for 5 seconds.
The hero affected by toxic cloud has a toxic aura that causes damage to allies.
If the hero is hit by more than one projectile, the damage is not cumulative.
Recruit: 1
Veteran: 1.5
Champion: 1.8
Legend: 2.0
Cata: 2.3
Cata 2: 2.5
Cata 3: 2.7
The spell is cast every 5 seconds.

:green_circle::red_circle:If a hero gets close to the plague priest, he is permanently in a melee combat instance.
It performs two attacks: it throws an infected cloud forward, which can be dodged.
This smoke in addition to damage reduces the size of the dodge by 30% for 4 seconds.
The second blow is a horizontal blow with the flail of one hand.
The heroes can block the flail attacks made by the plague priest, they do not receive damage from the flail but they receive periodic damage.
All flail attacks deal periodic damage.

:green_circle::red_circle:Infected Cloud
Time to perform the attack: 2.2 seconds
Area: 3x2 meters, a rectangle in front of the plague priest
Recruit: 6
Veteran: 12
Champion: 18
Legend: 24
Cat: 30
Cata 2: 36
Cata 3: 42
Heroes cannot block this attack if they are in the area.
The plague priest stands still channeling the ability and a smoke effect comes out of him while channeling. This effect is to warn players that he will perform the “infected cloud” attack

:green_circle::red_circle:Flail blow
The plague priest performs this horizontal attack.
When hitting a hero it causes two different damages (damage from the flail and damage from the flail disease), if the hero blocks the attack, the heroes only receive the damage from the disease.
Disease deals damage per second for 2 seconds.
Performs Flail Strike every 2 seconds.
Disease damage:
Recruit: 0.5 (per second)
Veteran: 0.6
Champion: 0.7
Legend: 0.8
Cata: 0.9
Cata 2:1
Cata: 3: 1.1

:green_circle::red_circle:Flail damage:
Recruit: 5
Veteran: 10
Champion: 15
Legend: 20
Cat: 25
Cata 2: 30
Cata 3: 35
Each attack breaks 2.5 stamina shields.
The flail attack can hit multiple heroes in the same hit.

:green_circle::red_circle:Plague priest life:
Recruit: 35
Veteran: 45
Champion: 78
Legend: 120
Cat: 180
Cata 2: 200
Cata 3: 230
Armor: infantry


:orange_circle::brown_circle:New character


:orange_circle::brown_circle:The brey-shaman would be special focused on: summoner.
He would always stay at a long distance, just at an angle that would be within the heroes’ view. The brey-shaman will always try to keep his distance from the heroes.

:orange_circle::brown_circle:Summoner long range: when the heroes are far away (between 25 and 40 meters) from the bray-shaman, he generates a totem that summons tuskgors to attack the heroes.
The totem generates approximately 15 meters from the heroes.
Summons tuskgors every 8 seconds.
The totem can be broken with 2 hits.
The brey-shaman can have 2 totems at the same time.
The brey-shaman takes 6s to generate a totem.
After generating a totem, the brey-shaman takes 8 seconds to start generating another totem again.
Number of tuskgors:
Recruit: 1
Veteran: 2
Champion: 2
Legend: 2
Cat: 3
Cata 2: 3
Cata 3: 3
:orange_circle::brown_circle:The tuskgors run after the heroes and headbutt them to cause damage and, if blocked, break 2 stamina.
Life of tuskgors:
Recruit: 8
Veteran: 14
Champion: 20
Legend: 25
Cat: 30
Cata2: 35
Cata3: 40

:orange_circle::brown_circle:Tuskgors headbutt (dash) and melee horn attacks damage:
Recruit: 5/4
Veteran: 7/5
Champion: 10/6
Legend: 18/7
Date: 8/22
Cata2: 9/25
Cata3: 30/10
Performs 1 horn attack every 0.8 seconds.

:orange_circle::brown_circle:Summoner close range: when the heroes get close to the bray-shaman (less than 25 meters) he performs a ritual and summons 2 armored bovigors that will stay close to the bray-shaman to defend him.
(The bovigor would be a berserker with armor that does not advance, but always stays close to the brey-shaman, if the brey-shaman repositions itself, the bovigors follow it (similar to the skeletons in Siena, but with a much smaller radius of action), no attacks as quickly as other berserkers and has more rhythmic attacks)
Armor: Armoured/Berserker
Bovigors life:
Recruit: 20
Veteran: 35
Champion: 47
Legend: 75
Cata: 110
Cat2: 125
Cata3: 150
Bovigor damage:

:black_circle::green_circle:New enemy

:black_circle::green_circle:chaos cultist


:black_circle::green_circle:Cultists would be a special class and their role in combat would be to hinder the heroes’ advancement through rituals.
The cultists will stay hidden on the map (however, they would keep talking so the heroes can hear and know where they are approximately).
The rituals would never be too far from the heroes.

:black_circle::green_circle:Chaos Cultist:
Main attack: creates an area with a ritual on top of the corpses.
The ritual turns all corpses into putrid zombies.
Heroes within the area receive curse and damage every 0.5 seconds.
The ritual is always carried out on top of corpses.
After performing the ritual, the Nurgle cultist runs away and only returns after 35 seconds.
The cultist’s movement is normal, but limited (he can only walk along the heroes’ path and cannot jump over walls and obstacles)
The ritual curse comes off after 30 seconds.
Ritual duration: 4 seconds.
Damage and curse:
Recruit: 0.3/1% :nurgle:
Veteran: 0.5/1% :nurgle:
Champion: 0.7/2% :nurgle:
Legend: 1/2% :nurgle:
Cata: 2/3% :nurgle:
Cata 2: 2.2/3% :nurgle:
Cata 3: 2.5/3% :nurgle:

:black_circle::green_circle:The putrid zombies attack heroes as a simple, low-damage infantry unit.


:green_circle::brown_circle:New monster

:green_circle::brown_circle:Beast of Nurgle

:brown_circle::green_circle:Nurgle’s beast would be similar to Darktide’s Nurgle beast, but more focused on melee combat.
Nurgle’s beast has 8 different attacks.
every curse caused by the nurgle beast ends after 40 seconds.

:brown_circle::green_circle:1) Nurgle’s beast makes an attack with its claw/hand and hits targets in front of it, causing damage and breaking all stamina.
Only on very close targets.
Recruit: 10
Veteran: 20
Champion: 30
Legend: 45
Cata: 55
Cata2: 70
Cata3: 90

:brown_circle::green_circle:2) try to catch a hero in front of you, if you manage to catch it, Nurgle’s beast swallows the hero causing initial damage, curse per second and bleeding.
To free the ally, the heroes must hit the head of Nurgle’s beast.
If the ally falls while swallowed by Nurgle’s beast, he dies instantly.
Damage, curse and bleeding:
Recruit: 7/ 1% :nurgle:/1
Veteran: 10/ 2% :nurgle:/ 1
Champion: 12/ 2% :nurgle:/ 1
Legend: 14/ 2% :nurgle:/ 1.1
Cata: 16/ 2% :nurgle:/ 1.4
Cata2: 18/ 2% :nurgle:/ 1.5
Cata3: 20/ 2% :nurgle:/ 2

:brown_circle::green_circle:3) Nurgle’s beast cannot be pushed, when it receives a pushing ability it stays still for 2.5 seconds and releases a putrid aura that damages nearby heroes every 0.5 seconds.
Putrid aura duration: 6 seconds.
Recruit: 0.2
Veteran: 0.3
Champion: 0.4
Legend: 0.5
Cata: 0.9
Cata2: 1.3
Cata3: 1.5

:brown_circle::green_circle:4) Nurgle’s beast every 5% of life lost vomits a toxic and corrosive substance that causes damage and curse. Nurglins come out next to the vomit to attack the heroes.
Animation time to vomit: 2 seconds
Vomit animation time: 3 seconds.
After vomiting, Nurgle’s beast remains still for 1 seconds, after which time it attacks normally again.
Vomit Damage, Nurglin Damage, and Curse:
Recruit: 7/ 1/ 5% :nurgle:
Veteran: 13/ 1.5/ 7% :nurgle:
Champion: 20/ 2/ 9% :nurgle:
Legend: 25/ 3.5/ 14% :nurgle:
Cata: 38/ 5/ 16% :nurgle:
Cata2: 55/ 6/ 18% :nurgle:
Cata3: 65/ 7/ 20% :nurgle:
vomits 15 nurglins

:brown_circle::green_circle:5) Nurgle’s beast attacks enemies that attack it from behind with its tail.
Syrup attack damage:
Recruit: 3
Veteran: 7
Champion: 15
Legend: 28
Cata: 32
Cata2: 38
Cata3: 44

:brown_circle::green_circle:6) upon death, Nurgle’s beast explodes, causing damage and releasing 30 nurglins to attack the heroes.
Explosion damage:
Recruit: 10
Veteran: 20
Champion: 35
Legend: 45
Cat: 50
Cata2: 50
Cata3: 50

:brown_circle::green_circle:7) when moving, Nurgle’s beast leaves a corrosive trail that causes damage and curse per second while it is on top of the trail.
Recruit: 0.2/1% :nurgle:
Veteran: 0.3/1% :nurgle:
Champion: 0.4/1% :nurgle:
Legend: 0.5/1% :nurgle:
Cata: 0.6/1% :nurgle:
Cata2: 0.7/1% :nurgle:
Cata3: 0.8/1% :nurgle:

:brown_circle::green_circle:8) If a hero falls while inside Nurgle’s beast, it executes him and releases the putrid aura.

:green_circle::brown_circle: life of the nurgle beast:
recruit: 1100
veteran: 1500
champion: 2000
legend: 3000
cata: 4600
cata2: 6000
cata3: 7000


Sounds very interesting only the monks priest`s homing projectiles sound more annoying than fun. The Bray Shaman sounds nice but most players i guess dont want more beastmen summoned on the map.

For my part i would appreciate if those ideas would be tested via an event and beta, it brings definitely some interesting mechanics.


Actually they’re not Grey Shaman, they’re called BRAY Shamans, because they’re Beastmen.

Also I’d request any special enemies from Darktide that fit right into WH Fantasy settings, such as hounds. Maybe chaos hounds or wolf rats.


Great Ideas!


yes lol, there was an error in the translation that turned into “grey-shaman”

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This honestly sucks. I love them.

I really like having meaty Hordes, because it means you have more to kill. It’s honestly why I want those big nurgly blokes with the weird heads.

Sometime Skaven Hordes and even Chaos Hordes just melt.

I’ve actually been working on implementing a new enemy with another modder, Crunch. It’s called the Warprocket Bombardier. The final model is taking inspiration from a Fantasy Doomrocket design in the “Uniforms and Heraldry of the Skaven” and from the AoS Warlock Bombardier model.

WIP model:

From a gameplay perspective, the mod is in a playable state and can be found, unlisted, on the steam workshop. You can have the Bombardier spawn in your games if you type “/doom” in the keep. It will spawn along side every other special, as normal. Currently it is repurposing a lot of assets and code from the ratling gunner. Most notable, all the audio cues are shared between the enemies. The current focus is nailing down the visuals and gameplay mechanics. As work is completed on the model and textures this will get updated on the workshop mod
Current in game footage:


What have you done?!?! :eyes:

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Great ideas and great work by OP. I want to start with saying that I like how you think and a modder added enemy? That’s pure genius, right there!

In regards to cultists I believe that the weakest Chaos mook is called “Fanatic” and probably represent Nurgle cultists that have joined forces with the Rotbloods.

What one could add is a Chaos special called “Nurgle Magos” or just “Magos” who could pretty much do what you want the “Chaos Cultist” concept to do. It would however need to change from zombies for while Plague Zombies are a Nurgle thing in 40k, Necromancy is anathema to Chaos in Fantasy.

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I was thinking about naming Nurgle cultists, but I didn’t know if it would fit well in Vermintide, because the Nurgle cultists are the ones who can make putrid zombies from corpses.

I suppose this is from Chaosbane. As far as I know the term “Nurgle Cultist” simply means someone who is a cultist of Nurgle. It don’t in itself confer special powers or abilities.

At least that’s the general sense I’ve got of the term from the Warhammer RPGs.

Holy cannoli that’s some damn impressive work. Granted I’m not sure if such a unit ever existed in the tabletop.

As one of the coolest thing about Vermintide was how they took classic tabletop models and made them into units you can slay with your heroes, I’m wondering if a better name for these guys might instead be “Warlock Engineer”


Weird head big Nurgly blokes…Plague bearers?

And yeah they’re among my favorite Warhammer factions right next to, coincidentally enough, Skaven.

So it makes me so frustrated how unfinished Beastmen are when FS could have added so much more.


I would want that as new special. You also did great job as i see.