I see you took the Dota 2 approach to Balance

– If everything is overpowered, nothing is –

Seriously, though. While I really appreciate all the useless things in the game getting boosted into straight meta status, the game seems oddly too easy now.

Either everything dies too fast or you scaled the spawnrate of everything down. Can’t pinpoint it yet. But the game is much easier compared to prepatch.


Honestly I think buffing all our equipment and abilities to “straight meta status” might have been a good thing. We had a LOT of not very useful weapons/feats/blessings. If everything is useful then more variety of build is viable. If it has become too easy then I’d rather see the challenge increase by making the enemy’s tactics and composition smarter, not just by stacking on damage and health.

In short, I’d like to be strong with anything and everything, but face foes that require better planning to deal with.


ammo is less available now, so obviously there needs to be a greater impetus of not shooting everything to death. I’ve seen a few HISTG rounds where people are actually low on reserves and desperately searching for crates even with veterans around.

now the free ammo needs an adjustment, like on gunlugger tree…

Yeah, i tried vet squad leader (almost full central brench except aura, i took ammo regen instead) and with mg12 it deals more damage then sharpshooter in previous patch. Cause look at this blessings buff lol

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This was the first thing I noticed too. It actually feels like ammo depletes faster than before, even on vet and even with stacked ammo capacity and regen buffs. Must say, I’m not a fan.


Vet is straight up nerfed, but so was the game’s difficulty overall.

Every other class seems to have been buffed.


1000 times this. Classes finally seem pretty balanced with each other, now they just need to buff the enemies to match. Think the game will be in a pretty good place once that’s done.

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Vet should be nerfed(but it was buffed in many other ways), it was the do-it-all class, now it’s do-it-all but not too much better than other classes.

That’s not the issue. Something with spawning and enemies is off. They’re not even close to the numbers we had pre-patch. Besides, Vet and Power Sword did get a nerf, pretty heavily even.

My worst fear is that @Mezmorki was right and Fatshark nerfed spawns in anticipation of the weak consoles not managing the workload. Performance is up since the patch, after all.
But since my bug report about this issue was acknowledged and not marked as “not-a-bug”, I think this will be fixed and isn’t intended.


Which nerf was heavy?

Removal of infinite cleave?

It’s not (only) about spawns. Enemies have no hp and die from wet fart.

So people started using brutal momentum(which wasn’t necessary since Slaughterer stack gave plenty of cleave, just not against crushers…etc.).

Not a serious nerf at all.

Even powercycler nerf wasn’t anywhere near serious(because it could still stagger crushers with light attacks, that was the real problem with crutchsword - it has way too much stagger on activated light attack, and its mobility is decent)

Being able to cleave though theoretically infinite amount of trashmob is not nearly as powerful(because anyone half decent can deal with trashmob with melee; hell, crutchsword wasn’t too bad at dealing with trashmobs even without activation) as being able to staggerlock (multiple)ragers/crushers.

It seems that crutchsword can’t staggerlock crushers by default now, that is a nerf it rightfully deserved. (unfortunately vet also 5 shots crushers with boltgun without ult so we’re back at square one)

There, fixed that for you.

Overall anyway, if you play lvl5 or Auric, the game is still pushing and pulling you around so, I wouldn’t say that now “it’s too easy” by any stretch.

Every other class is baby easy mode now.

Psyker is now way stronger than the Vet ever was, and it also takes no skill to play.

Why aim for headshots with the Heavy Infantry Las or Boltgun when I can spam Voidstrike in the general direction and do more damage to everything?

Due to the Executioner’s stance nerf, a lot of weapons are missing breakpoints with the vet and require additional shots/headshots to kill with precision weapons. Precision weapons were already terrible pre-patch

Just an incredible update. People complained that the old game was a left click simulator. That’s a laugh.


Probably reduced so Xbox players can keep up

It’s a shame FS had to go and nerf all the high skill stuff into the ground because there is genuinely some good stuff in this update. A lot of actions have been improved like jumping, sliding, switching weapons and hard aiming weapons.

I hope balance patches come quickly because the game is pathetically easy in its current state except if you try to play the old Executioner’s Stance Veteran in which case you’re playing on Ultra Instinct difficulty.


Love the patch so far, but I like to melee

Fatshark always neglected ranged in Vermintide, so perhaps they will need more prompting and experience to get the precision weapons down. It’s possible that they think there’s a fundamental issue with precision weapons in this format, but I have not theorycrafted it

PS I wanted more ranged, but also want to melee, and Darktide is close to a good mix for me

It’s painfully obvious the playtesters were all Vermintide 2 players that want Darktide to be as close to a carbon copy of that game as possible with a 40k skin.


To be clear I don’t like pure melee and found Vermintide 2 to eventually be a boring melee slog, but see here

Now, admittedly, I am one of those who never uses the Vraks and don’t know if this is an improvement or not, but by itself in a vacuum this seems good