I know i already said something about this but add minigames to the mourningstar

okay so, the way i see it, the mourningstar is pretty good it isn’t perfect, its actually pretty barren in terms of decorations, that isn’t what this is about though. this is about the fact that when waiting for a friend, we can’t do anything but run around and check stuff out, kill enemies in the psykanium, and step away from the game. running around gets old fast, killing things outside of missions gets old fast, and stepping away from the game isn’t exactly something i wanna do because if my friend comes back and i don’t know, they’ll have to wait for me. so a way to fix this issue is adding minigames to the mourningstar.

i’ll go over some ideas that aren’t the clear two minigames we already have (the hab drako one and the hacking one).

first idea: flappy bird clone. its just a servo skull that has to avoid hitting the walls or whatever. it was very good and extremely addictive back when you could get it.|

second idea: prayer. it literally is just praying to the emperor for protection, it also is a rythem game.

third idea: heretics come from the top, you shoot from the bottom. basically, pixel enemies will come from the top of the screen and will try to get past you, you have to stop them from getting to you and from getting past you. your avatar for this minigame is also just a servo skull with a gun.

and i know that at least one of the people on this site will hate this idea, just know that i understand, i used to hate minigames too, then i played warframe and realized that minigames aren’t a bad thing unless they’re done wrong, and they’re hard to do wrong.

i recommend putting these minigames on a Data Slate, which are plenty easy to make a look for i would assume.

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So, I understand that the Mourningstar is an instanced map, just like any other we play? It just has a no-weapons modifier applied (etc.). So I get that there are things you can’t do there, and would in essence have to load in to a new map to access some functionality.

Here’s my idea. The Psykhanium with mods could do this, but why not have it in game without mods.

  1. A Shooting Arcade.

You step up to an area (one of the shuttered ones would do), click to enter, and you move in to one of those old 80s shooting arcades. Enemies appear all over. You can’t move, but you can aim to shoot them. Let’s get some top scores going. Vanilla 380 grey gun only (pre-determined stats for everyone - 80s across the board), but you can choose which class and mark.

Obviously some guns will fare better, but you might hold the top score with the Rumbler for example.

  1. Beat 'em up.

Classic game. Melee only. No healing. No toughness regen. Finite stamina (4 points) but it regenerates. 4 dodges - also regenerate. Pick your weapon, any weapon. It’s gonna be a 380 grey. How many waves can you survive? Boss fight after every 3 levels. Starts at Sedition, ramps up after every boss fight.

Top score by weapon.

  1. Barrel Blast

At the top, a Plague Orgyn starts throwing barrels down at you. You’ve got to climb ladders and avoid the barrels, and trying to rescue a fallen comrade at the top. (… :wink: )

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i love these ideas so much, honestly, i think that if any of these were to get added, it would be the donky kong one. i hope that all of these get added though.

Seeing as all they’ll add has to be accurate to the lore, I doubt they could do that.

On the other hand:

Emperor’s Tarot: Basically just Tarot PvP with customised cards


And other soldier games would be more appropriate

Jonboy had some pretty good ideas that i think fit perfectly, they’re just a bit iffy for some things.