I hate to be that guy, but: Make Crossplay a Toggle

I think its best put simply: the game was designed in an alien manner to controllers, its a huge afterthought. People can enable crossplay on every platform not named Steam. Don’t dangle the Steam playerbase that built the company as some weird asset for other markets to benefit from, add an OPTION that probably increases game quality when checked.
I didn’t even think about this until I leveled a new character, but I assume this will only grow as an issue as everyone hits level 30.



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I don’t think I’ve seen any non-steam players yet. What’s the console/pc experience like? Is it everything I imagine?

Ran into a couple today. Its pretty noticeable if they are on a controller. They can’t twitch 180 to deal with things that run up behind them, which will be a problem for them in the higher difficulty stuff.

An option would be nice.

Imo I haven’t noticed a difference in performance from console players. I think the advantages/ disadvantages of a controller input only become apparent in a PvP for the most part. At worst they can’t whip around as fast a M&K, but changing sensitivity can smooth that over.

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