Dear devs,
On release I put 300hrs into the steam version of the game with a deep sense of resignation. My preferred choice was console as my PC had broken down the previous year, and I did very much suffer from FOMO. My workaround was GeForceNow on the edge browser but I did end up spending more than I thought I would even with the deluxe preorder.
There has been a near solid silence on the console release since it was pulled from the Xbox store, as well as plans for crossplay in the future, let alone account migration.
It would be a huge win if, when console finally dropped, folks like me could make that second purchase knowing we didn’t have to start over AND we could continue playing with the friends we’ve made. I could even take a 2 year delay if it meant that all the Darktide factions would play together on console release.
I can respect that game development has its challenges and a lot of compromises have to be made. I hope your monetization is making you all decent money, that you’re generally happy with what your pulling off and proud of the fun core loop you’ve given us. Please don’t sideline or justify backing away from this important milestone for the game. Please give us positive news on full crossplay and account migration available with the console release. It would be a boss level feature that would really heighten the experience for everyone.
Thanks for listening.