I don't understand why there's no scoreboard

Is there really any correlation between a scoreboard and toxicity?

Do you really think people are toxic because there’s some statistics at the end of the game?

Is it possible the whole scoreboard discussion has been ruined by people who afraid of how bad they are at the game and are demanding some superficial protection from numbers on a screen?

I want to know how well I did, and I want to know how well my team did. If I don’t know that I’m underperforming, how can I know I need to make improvements? I mean, what the f*ck is this?

Put an option in to turn off the scoreboard.

If people are so terrified of toxicity they can mute in game chat and voice chat, or play a single player game.

I need my stats!


They’ve already confirmed that they will be adding in some sort of scoreboard. However, they said they want it to “promote cooperation” or something like that, so chances are they will omit damage dealt/damage received, which are the most important stats. All of the justifications for the removal of the scoreboard are ridiculous, and a scoreboard that doesn’t show actually important stats is also ridiculous, but we’ll see.


I am one of those people that would prefer to not have a scoreboard, although i would like to see my stats personally so i can compare to my past/average gameplay. I’m not extremely against it, and if it comes back, i won’t make a huge fuss about it, but from playing other games with end-match scoreboards (such as Vermintide 2 or Overwatch for example), i do find that people will use it as an excuse to spam hate at teammates that they outperformed since they “didn’t do enough damage” or some crap. I think it slowly erodes the morale of everyone who plays the game. And this comes from someone who got best in almost all stats nearly every game in V2.

Idk about you, but i try to make improvements after every match. Every time i was downed, or missed a revive on a teammate, or took a large unnecessary hit from a special. Just because you didnt do more damage than your teammates doesnt mean you need to go out of your way to do more blanket damage next game. Some playstyles/roles will just inherently have less total damage or kills. Playing recklessly for stats is something that definitely happens, and makes higher level missions more difficult since that usually results in more chip damage taken.
Just my opinion on this system. Apart from just “Wanting to know how my team did” i am curious what you want to gain from these scoreboards. If they might increase toxicity, then what is the benefit that offsets this fear?

Maybe I feel like I’m killing a lot of mobs, but the end stats screen shows me I’m actually not and I should use a different weapon or tactics to bring my score up.

I don’t understand who you’re trying to protect here. If someone can’t handle a little sh*t talking they should mute voice chat and turn off type chat. It’s that easy.


I hope for a Team Fortress II style scoreboard, where it tracks your stats per life/spawn and compares them to you previous performance. Stuff like, yes, how many kills you did in one life or damage done, but also damage taken, how much healing you did as the medic, how many objectives you did. If they’re so scared of kills and stuff, other things like “How much ammo you picked up” or “How many players you rescued” or “How many blocks”.
One thing that could also help promote teamwork is how l4d tracked how often player ‘protected’ each other, ie killed something about to hit a teammate. Have players track that for themselves.

If anyone’s curious about this stuff youtube will have the developer commentary on youtube I expect.

When did gamers need to be so sheltered so as to remove a scoreboard to avoid ‘toxicity’. There are already ways to mute people and block them, why go overboard because of internet trolls that have always and will always be around. If you cannot handle what they are saying mute them/ignore them or better block them. How are we supposed to have a baseline of our performance without an after match review? I could be terrible at the game but feel personally that I am doing amazing and its my teammates fault instead of my own. It is a key part of co-op games that was in every other tide game for this reason

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A good quality scoreboard is one of the most important features for me in this game. Its really sad if they fail it this because it would probably cause me to quickly get bored of the game. Its really dumb that they cant at least keep the same stats from their previous game that people have been playing and gotten used to for 4 years.


I can totally see not having a scoreboard visibly during a mission. Yes, that could enable toxicity. But after a mission? WTF FS? I’ve never seen anything said during that end-of-mission screen other than GG. Or delay it till after the mission entirely.

I want to see if I’m pulling my own weight, damn it. Am I killing enough specials? Enough elites? That sort of thing.


Almost everyone wants to see that stuff and there has been many polls since we realized scoreboard was removed from the game and the winner of every poll ive seen was a scoreboard similer to VT2 where last place on every poll was “no scoreboard”. whoever decided to take out the scoreboard really messed up bigtime.

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Think they will also fix the numbers of killed enemies and something like, what difficulty the run was on and if it had extra conditions ?

And some way to tell which missions your character completed as its needed for penances…

Yes, it’s small, but it’s not zero. That’s not the point. The score board was not removed because some jerk talking trash at the end of the map. That’s a straw man argument.

The issue is it trains new players to chase kills and damage instead of being a cooperative player. It teaches new players bad habits that make them horrible players past Veteran difficulty. They try to play Champ and fail, instead of learning how to play better they quit, or they play on Veteran, play for the green circles, and make the early game experience horrible.

FS has said they are going to make something, and judging by the new weapons detail screen I have high hopes it’s going to be awesome.

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Battlefield 2042 flashbacks

im a firm believer that if you kill everything and dont die you win the game. dont really see the problem here.

being bad at the game mechanics wont magically make you win more if you just stand next to your teammates. without a scoreboard a really bad player can stand next to great teammates and win and think they actually did good when in reality they just got hard carried.


As a veteran player of just about every co-op game out there, i have to strongly disagree with this. Some of the most co-operative and friendly games out there have scoreboards, and I’ve very rarely if ever encountered people in those games, even noobies, that just “chase kills”

If i’ve learned anything from my time in the beta, and now launch - it’s that scoreboard or not, people in Darktide love rushing off ahead/away anyway, even with no scoreboard. That’s probably because of penances maybe and is a different discussion, but my point is: I really don’t think there’s a link between this kill chasing behavior and just a stat screen.


No one thinks that every new player flies into a blood thirsty green circle hunting rage. IDK what percent it is, but it’s low. It’s not the only cause but it’s one of them.

I think some of the penances are much worse than the score board in VT2. FS removed the score board to try and promote more team play and added something that is 10 times worse.

All I’m trying to do is explain the bigger picture of why the score board was removed. It wasn’t just people being jerks about the numbers.

Every argument I have seen against a scoreboard (yes, with kills and everything! gasp) is analogous to going to a party, and because out of 50 people one of them turns out to be a douchebag, the host deciding everyone should have a bag forcibly put over their head.

The douchebag is still going to be a douchebag, and now you have no idea wtf happened for the last half an hour.

It is utter nonsense, and it sabotages many fun aspects of coop games.