Finding matches in Havoc is often a drag and can take a while. What if they did matchmaking for say certain clearance ranks 1-9 10-19 20-29 30-40 then it puts you into the lobby so those with multiple characters can switch accordingly if they wanted. Maybe do a vote system to see which assigned rank people wanted to do or better yet post them like the regular terminal as they pop up to join or just “quick find”. I know teams won’t be perfect but to combat this take away the de-ranking penalty maybe do a ranked for resources and a non ranked for fun if not people will be forced to run meta we want build diversity no? Anyways I just want to be able to join a game quickly and not worry about losing as much or people being angry someone didn’t go “book/bubble/shout” every game. It’d be a nice change and much needed better matchmaking. At least for the USA west server haha I only ever find 2-3 posts in prime time and usually nothing past 10pm.
I think they could’ve just copied the Anomaly investigation system from MHR Sunbreak but oh well. Darktide’s director(s) or whatever seem to be really averse to letting players be able to choose what they want.
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