Love Havoc, all I play now, it could be better. Here’s a few items that I’d like to see in the near future, restricted to Havoc’s current implementation.
Rotate Missions - Playing the same level twice in a row after a failure is dull. Rotate them after each attempt.
More Missions - This is a given, and I’m sure its already in the works, but more pls
Choose your mission level - Just because you’ve hit 40, doesn’t mean you want to constantly play 40. Give us the option to queue any havoc level that we’ve already cleared. If you’re worried about preserving the loss penalty, simply apply it to the players actual assignment rank. For example if you’re rank 40 and lose a level 20 match (that you queued), you still lose a deployment from your rank 40 assignment.
Bonus - Let us signify which character we intend to play when requesting to join a strike team. It sucks to see the perfect lobby ignore your request because they don’t want a third psyker, not knowing that you’d happily switch to whatever role they want. By the time you have changed, the team is often already full.
Locking your havoc rank should also be possible, lets say you like the modifiers and map you currently have and you like your current rank you can lock it so it doesnt rank up but you also cant rank down
this, out of sheer respect i put in at least one warmup session prior to joining the “real stuff”
now with the gap between havoc and anything below, sometimes i´d prefer a 30-35 to get the juices flowing right…
get away with that damn demotion altogether, i “beat tyson once” i don´t need to step into the ring 7 days a week to prove a point.
First, I appreciate how havoc encourages more team play and also to play differently from Auric.
That said, some level modifiers of havoc should be special condition modifiers, such as corruption gain and limitations to toughness and ammo. Otherwise, we might see the current meta or something similar for a long while. Ammo inefficient weapons won’t hardly ever see the light of high havoc levels.
Ideally, different havoc modifiers require different meta setups. However, this is hardly possible if the level modifiers have a stronger impact then special modifiers.