Currently has 3…3! 3 games to join. Even with all levels allowed in the finder. It sometimes gets to 6 then back down to 3. 3 matches for the entire game.
Why? Because no one can host because their clearance level is time gated and at risk of demotion.
Basically its a tiny handful of folk willing to host and risk demotion via RNG.
Give people instant clearance and remove the 3 strikes demotion. Leave the deterioration mechanic purely for weekly participation. The entire mechanic in current form is threatening and encourages people not to host.
The most challenging aspect of Havoc is finding games at Havoc 30 or above, or getting others to join your crappy 11-20 games so you can get progress yourself instead of merely being “cleared” for 30.
I’m cleared for 30 but can’t host games for it. Nobody wants to join my 11-20 games, I listed a party for 30 minutes yesterday. Someone would occasionally join only to leave 4 minutes later when no-one else joined.
Its such a shame that the most difficulty content in the game is locked away behind these atrocious systems. Clearly ability to customise a game to our liking proves too difficult to deliver.
I just played a H39 game (miracles do happen!) with a great team and it was, dare I say, not too difficult. It was WAAAAY easier than some H17-H20 games I’ve played. We even left a medicae station with some juice in the tank at one point. We only had 1 death and I don’t think I ever dropped below half health. Of course I CTD as soon as we finish the mission and so my miracle of doing level 40 game with good team is snapped from me. There was no option to rejoin team when loading back in
This adds weight to my opinion that some of the modifiers, especially when combined, make a much much bigger impact on difficulty than the tiers. And thus some of the modifiers should be exclusively for higher tiers.
So yeah, teammate RNG and modifier RNG means the tier system is unquantifiable.
It was a fun game though, so I believe there is a quality system in there, but needs some serious tweaks until it’s not wrapped in frustration.
Oh absolutely. The pus-hardened skin together with pox-gas is among the worst if you also get BON spawns frequently.
Pox gas forces you to keep moving either back or further ahead, but you can’t be sure the areas you move to are cleared for gunners that keep spawning.
If you’re being constantly tox bombed you need to move even more, and if the gunners and bombers are pus-hardened you can’t just clear them easily. If a BON is slugging around then half the zone is quickly turned into slowing and corrupting slime, which destroys your movement and nerfs your HP even more. That combo is just the worst of them all that I’ve experienced.
Also, the ranged damage makes ventilation purge significantly more difficult than normal because you can easily walk into gunner/shotgunner traps you simply can’t see are there.
Yeah the gunners in havoc all seem to be Jesse Ventura from Predator. It’s nice that they’re threatening again but it’s also quite unfair when there is no legitimate counter beyond a psycher shield. There is no cover system and almost zero cover so if it’s a wide open space it’s absolute deletion in seconds.
The emperor’s fading light and exploding skin ooze makes any tier game an instant h40 match!