Huntsman - Bunderbuss - Ammo recover whit Headshot

This Passive and Talent to Ammo recover works not really good!
works just like 10% whit Headshot and Multiproc whit one Shot more Head hit, i miss too…
I think mybe is the Problem, if the Shot hit more as just Head, because spread shot, the Ammo recover will not proc.
More a Bug Report?

I just realised that in the new beta patch 1.0.5.

But since the dummies are not supposed to work well and we have no way to see numbers of whats going on. There is no way at all to check well if procs are working or not cause you dont know if you made a crit or not and the next impact damage of the crit.

The only way would be seeing if you got 2 ammo from the crit. But i believe is not working at least on the beta patch. Im not wasting my time doing riddles without tools. I thin i would be able, but im not wasting my time. Thats FS job.

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Yes, True!
The Dummys are to Dump!^^

you got 2 Ammo Back but not 3 Ammo, is a Proc Fail or a Text Fail.
And the Proc on Head works more whit like Luck and no MuliyProc with Blunderbuss ;(