How would you design difficulty 6

More enemy mechanics. I made a topic on December when I already beat all the maps on damnation difficulty. It’s some suggestions I had. Here is a link if anyone wants to look at it Higher Difficulty, More Enemy Mechanics ,

I would add more hp to the monstrosities because they die too fast. They’re less trivial now with all the recent buffs to multiple weapons made over the past couple of months. I also think adding more elite units (Like Bulwarks or Crushers) or even monstrosities in the events would make things more interesting. An example, I loved the events in V2 like Fortunes of War where it had 1 boss spawn and then if you didn’t kill that boss fast enough another boss would show up.

Another thing that would be really cool is to have double-modifiers. Like the new hunting grounds with the pox hound puppies but have that in the dark? That would be something cool to see.

I think Fat Shark has a lot of ideas and more stuff coming, but halted everything to address the community and rework their system. Which was certainly needed. They still have a lot to do, but I am looking forward to more content.