Bearing in mind that havoc mode will come out, I’m curious what people feel is the need for adjusting difficulty levels in the standard game mode.
My overwhelming sense of the game is this, and this is levied mostly at Auric Damnation play:
When the team is good, and using mostly good builds and stronger weapon picks, the game feels like a cakewalk “most of the time.” Occasionally solid feeling runs will go sideways through a lapse in dealing with specials, a cascade of teammates getting disabled, but for the most part the run will be a breeze.
What sticks out to me especially is that certain threats that should be acute threats to the team just aren’t. Groups of bulwarks and crushers (and especially crushers) die way too easily for instance. So what should be a big scary threat often gets trivialized and eliminated really quickly.
Hordes overall provide very little challenge, as almost every weapon, whether it’s designed for single target damage or not, can easily deal with hordes. The popularity of the Moebian horde modifier was evidence that people liked stronger hordes.
Also hordes triggering based on location has totally undercut the need to maintain momentum and progress through a map, and made the experience less varied and interesting as a result.
I think there are a number of things that need to be done, and maybe these changes only apply to Auric level missions as a sort of “base modifier” to Auric:
Armored elites should be tougher - maybe plasma shouldn’t penetrate bulwark shields. Maybe the rending and anti-armor properties of certain melee weapons (dueling sword) needs to be toned down. Maybe these enemies just need more health across the board instead. I played VT2 a bit recently and was immediately struck by how much more intimidating chaos warriors are (and even stormvermin to an extent).
Enhance ranged enemy behavior - the short lived tweaks to range enemy behavior that increased their tracking speed and accuracy was awesome for making fire fights more challenging and reducing the ability to just sprint your way across huge open areas to engage ranged enemies in melee. Let’s bring this back (apply to auric only?).
Ragers - these enemies have been consistently nerfed and made easier to deal with. Increase their stagger resistance. Also the Scab Rager should be made tougher and differentiated better. Maybe the Dreg rager is more crazed and stagger resistant, while the scab rager gets considerably tougher and deals more damage (albeit with slower attacks).
Hordes - basic horde enemies need to have more health and/or more hit mass. To many weapons are able to just effortlessly cleave through hordes and/or have a fast enough attack speed to constantly interrupt horde mob attacks and thus grants too much safely. Bring back the horde timers in Auric.
Add in more modifier options, pulling some over from Maelstrom (mutated enemies as mini-bosses, etc).
It also struck me that in VT2 in general enemies were tougher, which opened up the utility for more crowd control and stagger oriented builds to be useful. Tougher enemies also meant players had to actually BLOCK more often at times, something that is rarely ever needed in DT.
Lastly, the difficulty in VT2 comes more from the base and elite enemies themselves being challenging to deal with, with scattering of specialists occasionally but not always adding to the challenge. DT’s difficulty spikes almost entirely due to just waves of specialists being thrown at players. In the absence of specialists, most encounters in DT are trivial. I would love to see both mixed melee and ranged encounters in DT become more tactically challenging and varied. I can’t help but feel like the game on launch was more that way and it’s been eroded overtime.
I also don’t want to devolve this into a discussion of weapon balancing - so let’s assume for this discussion that the more overpowered weapons are carefully reigned in a bit.
Thoughts on difficulty overall, what do you think the game needs to provide a richer sense of challenge?