How to appeal discord ban?

I have apparently be banned from your guys discord, no communication on how or why, but I would like to appeal. There doesn’t seem to be another way to get in touch with anyone other than this.

What did you do in the discord before your ban

Seems like the rules were clear, and there’s enough pot stirring already.

"9. Do not discuss politics or engage in discussions on real world events that are likely to be provocative or incite divisive discourse. "

but are you sure it wasn’t just a time out?

No its a full ip ban.

I didnt know that political topics and 40k was against the rules, my own fault, but I can avoid the topic ultimately I just want to play in the strike teams. Can anyone offical get back to me in dm?

If you DM me your Disccord ID, I can look into it.

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I got banned too because a mod wrote trans rights is not a political slogan.
I asked him if people spamming black lives matter would be allowed
Answer was a ban

To be a discord/reddit mod you have to have a power trip personality.


I’ve never modded discord or reddit, but I’ve modded a couple of twitch channels from personal friends, one of them with enough viewers for the chat to get pretty crazy.

I’d ban that comment too (maybe not banning you, just timing out the message, unsure if this is a thing on discord), just because I don’t know you, so I have 0 idea where you are coming from, and it can initiate a heated and non-desirable debate on the chat.

It has 0 to do with my personal or political views on the matter.

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He banned me as well just now for telling the guy to stop posting polotics

But I had couple discussions with the mods just banning people without breaking DISCORD rules.

There was a topic using the mental illness r-word, where someone wrote that Ogryns are indeed r-word (which lore wise is true, ogryns are UNBELIEVABLY stupid and the ones in Darktide are top 0.1% in IQ of all Ogryns)

The guy got banned and mod was “its against discord TOS”
I argued with the mod USING discord TOS that there is no such thing and the word ISNT banned since the guy DIDNT attack anyone with it.
This dragged on until hedge came and said “WE dont like this and its our server so we make our rules.”

So here too tldr, guy got banned for a rule that didnt exist until a mod decided it does, mod lied OR didnt know that discord TOS doesnt prevent the word - and banned the guy

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The discord seems to just be ban happy in all honesty, it was theonetrueskeleton. I feel he is putting his feelings above what is written

@Dougieboi You DMed someone to call them the r-slur after mods broke up an argument. You were not banned without reason.


Wait AFTER he got banned he DMd someone?

You DM someone on a discord server you both are to insult them, you are getting banned.

Maybe my cable is long today and I dont get it.
Mods end an argument - someone writes an DM to someone else (who can mute and block that person) - mods ban the sender on the server ?


The same would happen on a stream which is where I’ve got experience, you dm another viewer to call them names, you are getting banned from the stream, is not exactly news.

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I see, well I guess we really do live in an age where people need babysitting - and make no mistake, iam not trying to be cheeky here, I believe this is nothing other than babysitting.

I am still the old fashioned type where if someone is bothering me in DMs I just block him and never see a message from them again.
I dont need discord mods (cuz why stops at server mods If I want to be true to principles) to get involved and ban the guy from all the servers we share, just to make sure.

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You are not seeing the point, and as I don’t want to flood the forums with more responses, this will be my final message to this topic.

You (assuming you are the one getting banned for DMing another user) are not getting banned because you DM’d another user to insult them, or at least, not for that sole reason.

The moment you go out of your way to DM someone just to insult them, you’ve outed yourself as an idiot, idiots cause issues, I personally don’t care what people say to each other on DMs, because as you said, you can mute/block them and forget about them.

If I have to mod a conversation I do care if people start insulting each other, and I’d rather prevent that from happening as much as possible rather than having to act when it’s already happened.

So, a person that’s gone out of their way to insult another user over DMs is someone I don’t want on my server/stream/call it whatever you want, therefore, they are banned and that’s one less issue to worry about, there are simply way too many users on certain places (such as darktide’s discord) to keep it civil without being rather blunt with the modding.

Now, if a mod was also arguing with another user, that’s something that whoever is in charge should look into, because mods arguing with users is always a bad combo that’ll end up badly.


As hilarious as it is to watch people take the bait and get banned from General Chat (which is best to just mute and ignore forever as its a hellhole), these people are not wrong in saying that the moderators are basically stating their political opinion on a subject that actually has very intricate delicacies that can effect a lot of other sensitive areas that I would not be stupid enough to start discussing here, or there, due to it obviously being a very political discussion.

Was that Gawain? Lol

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