How much THP do you actually get from THP on stagger?

Sounds like they busted it.
I mean the talent reads THP based on stagger strength, and shove deals no damage so you wouldn’t think it’d return a lot of THP, even by hitting a lot of mobs, which would of made sense to me because it wouldn’t be sustainable to spam shove in a corner if the return was poor and you’re running out of stamina.

don’t need to deal damage to generate stagger

You should tbh. That’s the whole reason why it was so easy to cheese on launch, because you didn’t need to apply damage to the stagger. Then they had to nerf the talent and now it’s busted on any weapon except for shields and Siennas dagger, great job on their part.

it’s pretty good on dual hammers and tuskgor spear

not as good as cleave but still decently effective. Anyway as far as I’m concerned the whole THP system needs a rebalance

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Yeah, I agree with that.
The only THP system I think that they got right is THP on kill.
It’s rewarding if you’re able to kill the elites, but most weapons that are strong against armour are weak in hordes, and you won’t get a lot of THP from hordes as well. So it’s a nice trade off imho.

Thp on kill is unreliable in most teams outside of GK/Shade. None of the thp talents are quite where they should be (not in terms of strength but how they work across weapons and careers).