How does the cosmetic store work now?

Ive been afk for a while may have missed cosmetics, and since the store is a stupid fortnite rotating thing, how often do I have to check it? did they really kill the choice from 3 to 4 sets?

Also half the cosmetics ok like liberace vomited on them, whats with all the chainmail? (yes,yes, necromunda very good).

Also rotating the store (paid or otherwise) is really cheesing me off please quit it jus add a show all menu for god’s sake… WHY DO I HAVE TO BAYSIT YOUR GAME TO LOOK DECENT?

My enthusiasm for this game and it’s IP is dying fast. This game has been the biggest disappointment of my entire life regarding a game. listen to your goshdarn audience, FFS fatshark.


Not to mention they stripped out a lot of stuff from the bundles while not decreasing the price (also increased the individual price of the headgear to the same as the torso) … It’s like they don’t have a ton of unreleased stuff to fill the cosmetics store?

Increasing profits while exploiting the small remaining fan-base was always a good business strategy … oh wait.


Every 2 weeks on friday (most recent one was 14th july) the cosmetics in the store rotate by 1 slot.
Oldest page is kicked out and 1 new page is added.
New page is either new stuff or returning stuff (or a bit of both).

3 pages. 1 page rotates out every 2 weeks.
So if you check 1x every 5-6 weeks, you do not miss anything.
Easiest way to keep track is probably to check once a month (always around the same time).

The 4 pages thing was until they cycled the old stuff out. Literally the only reason for the rotation is so you get hosed not buying sets, which is I guess why they’re taking stuff out of sets with subsequent launches. No 2 item bundles either, despite still throwing either a recolor or a remodel with another element of x cosmetic added. 1400 for the hat or torso piece, useless pants like always, no weapon skins.

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In the beginning it was justifyable, but it’s gotten excessive now.


I think you are right with your assumption.

If you use the Cosmetic Previewer Mod to randomly try on cosmetics, there are actually not that many outfits in the randomizer.

Most are simply recolors of vanilla outfits or retextures of MTX cosmetics.

Certainly not everything found on MTX is accessible to the mod, but maybe I am just clueless and there are more cosmetics than I think.

But since they update the store every two weeks and not every Friday, I have a feeling they are just drip feeding the MTX to keep up with the design of the outfits.

All I want is a power sword (I do not like the current one) and a revolver skin and then my character is complete.

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I’d like the people making the cosmetics to start simple first.

Why are we getting new Premium armour patterns with:

One pauldron?
Weird camouflage?
Chains, Hooks, Chainmail, and other weird accessories? (with no option to remove)
Ugly decals? (like skull and crossbones, are we pirates?)

I could go on, but the crux of what I’m getting at here is, if we don’t have an currently have an option to buy a default version of an armour pattern, I’d prefer not to have it come with a bunch of strange choices overlayed and stuck on. Please and thanks.


Do you mean pricing? Then yes.
Do you mean FOMO rotation? Then no.

Agree with you - I‘d prefer if they stuck more to the current model range. Besides Astra Militarum especially agents of the imperium offers interesting designs that would actually fit quite well.

That said in a world where poxwalkers and bruisers hack and stab at you a lot, chainmail actually makes kinda sense.

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Which we know is BS though because there have been a ton of datamined images of finished cosmetics and examples of the beta bugging out and revealing cosmetics that still aren’t available in the game. They’re absolutely holding back finished content to drip feed into this stupid rotation, it’s pure FOMO.

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Yeah, I was going for irony there :wink:


I mean the pricing.
When they made the open letter and ended FOMO rotation, I was under impression it would stay that way and from this day onward we’d get a new page added every so often without old ones getting “deleted”.

I’m quite disappointed by this turn-around. It’s so unnecessary, too.
Unnecessary in fact descibes so many decisions made by institutions in our current Zeitgeist. I don’t know what the endgame here is, but if it’s triggering wave after wave of spiteful backlashes, they’re on the right path.


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