How do you become a playtester

As title says. Tried searching for it but could not find an answer.

Well I wasnt planning on licking any holes tbh :joy:

Well, sometimes to get “exclusive” benefits in life, you have to do just that :upside_down_face:

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Is how you do it!


So you all got in this way sah ? :cold_sweat:

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I was just going to say this… Obese Megalodon seeks out the worst players & their opinions to be testers. You just need to pucker up & kiss where the sun don’t shine. I’ve heard around the water cooler that they have to wear lipstick just so you can see the dedication marked. It’s a bit of a ritual.


I dunno man, every playtester I know is significantly better most players.


It’s more of a specific type statement directed at certain individuals rather than in general, to be more precise, I meant. Of course not all are terrible players, just certain people that make certain guides with misinformation (cough, cough). But I won’t get into details wouldn’t want to be controversial or uncivil in here. Those ones are the real cheek kissers.


Still there has to be some set of rules that would make you able to become a playtester other than what is mentioned Here ?

Just be a semi-famous ‘Tide Youtuber’ that kisses their butts. I’m pretty sure those are the qualifications lol. Unless they genuinely know these people personally or through discord. It’s anybody’s guess unless they come out & say how. Besides, I wouldn’t want to work for $0.00 an hour. I have a full-time job for that already lol.

Have free time, obs or something to record your games, a presence here and on discord but not too much, don’t get into arguments, profanity, not overly negative towards the company or players


except Tanner

Don’t make comments like I just did, demonstrate quality feedback, idk ask em directly

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Fatshark picks people at their discretion. There is no application process and no publicly available list of requirements. The current tester pool is a mix of content creators, modders, dataminers and regular players of various skill levels that were noticed in the community for one reason or another. Communicative skills (don’t be rude) and trustworthiness (don’t leak) are the only strong common denominators that I’ve seen.


Thanks for the clear explantion.

If you dont mind me asking, is this acros all platforms or only Steam players ?

Across all platforms but most commonly on discord

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I think a lot of play testers tend to be in the upper echelons of skill level. But yeah, be active on discord, the forum site, and social media.

I hope Ragnarok is given playtest access eventually. Maintaining the Book of Grudges is a tall order, and he does it well.

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Thank you, I meant Steam, PlayStation and Xbox but Thanks anyways :slight_smile:

Which begs the question why is the balance so sh-t?
Havoc being aimed at turbo sweats which are not representing the community, but the playsteres is imo pretty much undeniable at this point.

But it really is something that we have for MONTHS a meta, where dueling sword oneshots crushers with very little investment.
Meanwhile thunderhammer does not.

It really does not compute with me how things are so out of proportion for SO LONG - ESPECIALLY where fatshark has a knob for even the most autistics details of possible damage scenarios.


Don’t forget the Vermintide BBB was based on a community mod, not Fatshark balancing, and after that they completely and utterly broke the game again with SotT and moonbow.
They never knew how to balance their own games and are still clueless in that department.


I swear someone else took over because you need a strength pot to spread Hagbane DoT to armor AoE (and do something to superarmor). Moonbow just did that out the box + had DoT ticks like famished flames.

There was some elf fudgery with the vanilla weapons (sword and dagger) but that was a certified joke. However the BBB was also fudged because no where in the original draft did they buff the cleave and finesse curve of mace and sword that much. That was 100% that fat shark balance guy going ‘well its a sword and swords get 2.0 finesse or better’. Forgetting I guess that there is 2 weapons used for most of its moveset.