personally, i feel like the smoke grenade needs a buff or should just be replaced, it just feels way to weak on anything higher than malice, not to mention the fact that anything below heresy is boring. personally, i feel like smokes are too weak and should be improved by making it so that they disorient enemies engulfed in the smoke, all enemies excluding bosses. and if not that, then just cause DoT with anti-heretic gas. i just think that that smokes are weaker than they should be and that they should be improved. does anybody else have any other ideas?
I was thinking just turn it into a flashbang that suppresses any ranged enemy in range when it goes off.
It could suppress fire and counter tox gas
There’s a lot of things they could do. Countering fire/tox gas is one thing, as mentioned above.
I myself would like allies in the smoke to recieve a buff of somekind, like toughness regen or something of that ilk. And enemies in the smoke could receive a debuff, like a slow effect or increased damage taken.
There were at least 2 semi-recent threads on this with some interesting suggestions.
IIRC I had suggested a debuff too, possibly a slow stacking brittle.
I feel like you should get them from ammo pick ups. Feels kinda bad picking them up in a lobby where you have burn/big bomb friendlies. But they’re kinda fun, if extremely limited in current usefulness. They do actually disrupt all specialists but mutie and bombers so I like them in the auric mods where specialists are constant. Its also irritating to get shot at in general so just making a melee zone and holding it is funny, its like a poor man’s dome that only dies when the timer expires. Too bad it doesn’t stop the slug’s puke like the dome…
Honestly both of these
Though I’ve as a never use smoke person trying them out to get the penance done the blocking los has felt invaluable at times on auric where in maps with open areas and decent sight lines being able to cancel out shooters shooting (especially the gunner spam) at you while you deal with something else.
Honestly instead of the 100% radius the grenade upgrade perk should give it the exhilarating vapours (because the extra radius is worthless) and putting out fire and tox gas should be as standard (there are so many times I can immediately think of where clearing gas and fire would have been incredibly helpful)
My main issue with smoke grenades is that, while they can cancel out Gunners and other long-range units, they severely limit visibility for the rest of the team unless someone uses EXEC stance and I desperately need to see ranged enemies.
Smoke grenades, as they currently exist, can both prevent enemies from shooting and conceal them from your team.
It is a toss-up for me whether smoke helps you or the enemies.
I also prefer having Frag and Krak because, depending on the modifier in Auric Maelstrom, you may need to be able to kill monstrosities quickly in order to avoid becoming trapped in a gauntlet.
- They should have passive regen or be picked up from ammo pick-ups.
- They should clear hazards (Gas/Fire)
- They should make enemies inside the smoke more vulnerable to stagger/impact (something-something they lose coordination due to obstructed vision)
- Remove “roller-skates” autolock for melee enemies inside.
I don’t think they fit vet at all.
I would replace them with a deployable mine of some kind.
Yeah, a pick up on the map for stim slot would fit smoke nade nicely.
Just give the flashbang to every class as a base option.
Start by not making players completely blind when using them so that they can actually be used to disable and deal with ranged enemies, and not to give cover to that overhead crusher or trapper. If that alone is not enough then some sort of debuff to enemies who are inside smoke is probably the easiest.
I appreciated smoke grenades a little more as I was working towards the penance (you know, the one that rewards you most for aiming at a horde? ). They’re a bit like a poor persons psykers shield in that they inhibit ranged shooters, but with an extended cast range insofar as you can throw them in to the distance.
To that extent, a player buff within the smoke could end up with players always throwing at their feet. Possibly reducing the variety of usage? If they don’t sort out the visibility through the smoke at the same time then that’s going to end up another noob trap where the entire team has to melee in low-vis.
I think I’d suggest more simply that either targets are illuminated inside the smoke (I dunno - let’s say they’re UV tagged and we’ve goggles that can see them), or we’re finally allowed a UV setting that flips the standard black, grey and green of the darktide palette to, err, errm, well, green and black lets say?
I also thing they should have a disperal radius the same size as the tox bombers! Man, that stuff expands faster than physics, and fills an area faster than a curry in a lift.
Gas grens are great but awkward to use. Visuals should be much clearer. Players should see better through its effective area, and see clear BORDERS of its effective area. For sure this approach is more gamy… but, man, it would be more fun and effective
By removing them from the game. There are a lot of other CC options for grenades they could went with, and this is probably the worst.
I’d still just like a little more utility for them. Wish you could double tap grenade button to throw one at your feet without going through grenade equip and aim first, and wish they detonated on impact so they felt a bit quicker to use.
Agree with the general sentiment that it’d be nice to just have more of them since they’re less potent than the other 2. Not sure what the least awkward way to achieve this would be. A 2x multiplier on any sources of regen (eg demo team) or just innate regen on them you can stack with other sources both feel a bit wrong to me. Increasing capacity wouldn’t do much to help sustain unless also running field improv.
Also yes higher visibility for players would definitely make them feel much nicer in PUGS especially
Lot of threads (closed by the deadline policy I hate) about this.
So, like all threads closed, we begin to talk again about the same concepts.
Basically I hate that it handicapes you. I know that, at the center of the effect area you can see everything, but this system is really bad. I would like a thinner gas effect, something we could through it when we are inside the effects area, but that would looks darker outside of it.
The effects area should also be increased.
and if they want to make it good, they could add or an enemy debuff or a player buff.
I honestly feel the deadline policy is a mistake. Old threads being resurrected is a good thing and it keeps things centered.