Hotfix #14 (1.0.51)

for posterity


Need gameplay footage

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What a clown show.

I didn’t go shirtless once, as I was loving the new cosmetics. But you actually removed a bug that people enjoyed SO MUCH, that they were actually playing this train wreck of a game, and you actually prioritized fixing it.


Maybe now you could get on with improving this mess.


So when does the experimental branch get updates? Every week its a few hours late.


Fatshark is so full of themselves.

I find it so amusing how quick they are to fix exploits or bugs that are accidentally “fun” and nerf things by “fixing” them - and yet when it comes to making improvements that people actually want it’s total silence and non-responsiveness.

@Fatshark_Hedge Why do you all even bother demonstrating that you can be responsive when it comes to removing things people actually enjoy yet take forever (if indeed ever) to fix things that are broken to the player’s detriment?

You all have some serious psychoses going on and how that translates into your priorities.

All of it is insulting to your community.


Next hotfix
 remove the private session condition for penances

OR at least give us the possibility to do solo games

Btw, this is what I have on my zealot


Remove the thing people like :heavy_check_mark:
Add a graphics bug on the way out :heavy_check_mark:
Time for a holiday :heavy_check_mark:



This is even better than shirtless!

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I’m still not getting the red cowl for preacher when I finish up close and personal. It pops up at the end of mission the. At ship it says it’s not completed still.

This is accurate.

Imagine how much community favour would be gained by saying “We are aware that a bug in the game is allowing characters to have no chest cosmetic equipped. We have heard you and will be implementing shirtless as a permanent cosmetic in the near future!”


Looks like its kinda cold in the mourningstar.


and Hedge got the call to deliver this awesome news! I’m sure Catfish was busy with a photshoot for the next update


Penances still locked behind private games? Ridiculous. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


Although I like the way Catfish has communicated the past weeks, I really laughed at that one.

It’s actually not a bad idea to make everything more personal and have a face to the comm links and stuff
 But I think we will connect or already have connected the “red haired woman” with something bad, as Fatshark really is working against their playerbase at the moment. And Catfish’s face sadly represents Fatshark somewhat. Don’t know if that was a wise choice, altough Catfish is really not to blame for any of this mess.


ok thats it im uninstalling this piece of crap
7 years fatshark 7 EFFING YEARS and i had my fill
you cant even fix a simple SHIRT which caused stuttering ? !
like how ? !
are you running pre elon musk twitter over there ? !
eff you for everything and Rock and Stone !


I already submitted a report in the bug section, but this recent hot-fix broke the zealot’s Chastise the Wicked and the Thrust blessing interaction.

Using our ult immediately resets all stacks of thrust.

typical fatshark. a widespread love of some content and they decide to remove it


i hope you mean during elon musk twitter because the way he lost a ton money on a perfectly good system when all he had to do was keep it the same is exactly what fatshark did with darktide when all they had to do was keep the same systems as vermintide.

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