Created an issue where XX - YY
Created an issue where YY - ZZ
Created an issue where blah blah to blah blah lol we are going home now have a nice weekend.
They do a little dosie-doe with linked arms before launching apart again like a rocket breaking orbit. Then they either hit a player or splatter themselves into a wall.
I hope OGRYN has some ability to remove control, like “back 4 blood” inside, for example, OGRYN skills are still available, press F to remove itself from the control effect.
Also, thanks for finally making Poxbursters reliably staggerable, however the much greater problem which happens time & again and often leads to half the team being wiped out, is Poxbursters spawning in doors directly next to the players.
There is nothing you can do about that when that happens, it’s just a brutal punishment with no counter, that really has no place in the game.
Last mission I did, a poxburster jumped right out of the wall in the middle of the team, no warning sounds at all, it was just there. Killed 1, downed 2, the 4th picked us back up, and on the way to rescuing our killed player, it happened again, and wiped the team, last 3 dead, mission over.
Kind of frustrating. In a good game, every failure is coupled with the realization of where things went wrong and what can be done better next time - there is nothing that can be done in this case, when it happens, you are just f*ck’d.
This is just ridiculous, and it happens far too often.