Hotfix #13 (1.0.48)


Here are the notes for Hotfix 1.0.48 that just went live on Steam, and will be out shortly on the Microsoft Store.

  • Fixed issues with the text on various Blessings and Feats.

  • Fixed issues with Mutants being unable to grapple players.

  • Fixed an issue with Poxbursters sometimes being immune to pushes.


wow those 3 are like exactly the only things I ran into with the new patch, thats great response time. Good job :+1:


Thanks for the hotfix! Much appreciated!

At this point, surely you mean “Varlets!” right?


then in the process of fixing those issues we

Created an issue where XX - YY
Created an issue where YY - ZZ
Created an issue where blah blah to blah blah lol we are going home now have a nice weekend.


Great to see that Mutants are no more an endangered species.

And thanks for the others fixes. Maybe I will be able to push a pox burster


New and interesting defects inbound!
Some ideas:

muties can now grab eachother
dogs can now grab muties
poxbursters cannot be pushed except while jumping
players now sometimes grab muties

i’m joking! Thanks for the fixes


I never push them anyways, i´m just waiting until a teammate is trying to and then i shoot em ^^



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They do a little dosie-doe with linked arms before launching apart again like a rocket breaking orbit. Then they either hit a player or splatter themselves into a wall.


I hope OGRYN has some ability to remove control, like “back 4 blood” inside, for example, OGRYN skills are still available, press F to remove itself from the control effect.

even better :slight_smile:

Experimental branch is locked out with an ‘update to current version’ message


That’s mutish for ‘thanks for fixing me’

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Had some of that yesterday, both a friend and I. It was… interesting. Good to see it fixed!

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The difference between patch sizes for Steam and Gamepass (3gb) versions seems pretty substantial. We got the correct version this time right?

Loving the fixed blessing texts, so mysterious! :smiley:


Pinning Fire:+5-20% Power for every Enemy you Stagger. Stacks 5 times.

Crucis Mk II Thunder Hammer
Ironhelm Mk IV Thunder Hammer
Wrong text position

Also, thanks for finally making Poxbursters reliably staggerable, however the much greater problem which happens time & again and often leads to half the team being wiped out, is Poxbursters spawning in doors directly next to the players.
There is nothing you can do about that when that happens, it’s just a brutal punishment with no counter, that really has no place in the game.
Last mission I did, a poxburster jumped right out of the wall in the middle of the team, no warning sounds at all, it was just there. Killed 1, downed 2, the 4th picked us back up, and on the way to rescuing our killed player, it happened again, and wiped the team, last 3 dead, mission over.
Kind of frustrating. In a good game, every failure is coupled with the realization of where things went wrong and what can be done better next time - there is nothing that can be done in this case, when it happens, you are just f*ck’d.
This is just ridiculous, and it happens far too often.

Anyone else noticing a performance step back post patch? Appreciate the continued updates FS!

While i do hate silent burster spawns and something does need to be done about them…there is a counter to them. Don’t stand next to doors.