Honest Feedback so far from a more casual gamer

Hi there,

Big time 40k fan here, i manage to get maybe a couple of games in a night with mates. I have some feedback i think the devs really need to see for this game to really shine. Disclaimer, your gameplay formula is fantastic. The theme are art is sublime. The music absolutely slaps. But there’s issues:

  1. Penances are Toxic.

Self explanatory, but this is already causing the biggest cases of toxicity in the community already. It’s been beaten to death by others in more detail, but it basically forces people to play like selfish asshats, in a co-op game. Eg. If you have to kill 5 monsters for something, don’t make it only count if you got the last hit in.

  1. Scoreboard.

Put it in, ASAP. Maybe I’m dramatic here, but this is the primary thing that’s stopping me from playing at the moment. I don’t know how I’m doing, i can’t play around with weapons apart from how they “feel”. I will assume I’m the most trash on the team unless you tell me otherwise. Some of the most friendly and wonderful games out there have scoreboards, and some of the worst and most toxic don’t, It’s not just about “kills” either - You’re probably sick of hearing this reference but clearly you need to hear it again - Deep Rock Galactic has this down pat PERFECT. There’s bugs killed, mined resources, downs and revives, its good. I don’t feel automatically bad.

Can we get some sort of salute button, i know, stolen idea from Deep rock again - but after killing one of the big dudes I’ve just felt like there needs to be some praise the emperor button. It’s stupid, i know, but it’s the little things.

Zealot is… a bit weak? underwhelming? and some of the penances don’t seem to work? It seems good at a few select things, but with the exception of Psyker when i tried the other classes they blow Zealot out of the water with how fun and clean they feel. His abilities are mostly rather meh, and it would absolutely fantastic to have a handbook to tell us what things like “Penetration” or “impact” actually mean as stats

Apart from that, there’s the obvious bugs and lack of content which I’m sure are all just Beta things, I’m all round excited to play and have had some glorious fun at times but I’m currently taking it easy as the above things are a killing the fun a bit