Holy Revenant needs % listed

When reading holy revenant’s description for zealot, it sounds like you’re supposed to get health back equal to the damage you deal. I understand why it wouldn’t since that would likely be OP, but I need to know what the percentage actually is, or it needs to state that you get a little bit of HP unless my game is bugged. Because I know that I dealt around 600-800 damagewith melee, which is supposedly double health back, during a heresy round, just experimented in psykanium, and I got 24 health back. How I’m the would are you supposed to gain any proper benefit from that, especially when the penance to heal to max with this one perk states you should be able to? I got 50 HP back from a charged heavy thunderhammer attack, which deals several thousand damage. Unless it is possible to deal 5k+ in the span of 5 seconds with melee, I don’t understand how much health this perk is supposed to give

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I suspect this depends on the killed enemy’s health instead.

That’s what I was checking for specifically. I am dealing 100+ damage to poxwalkers before they die, which is why I’m confused at how much health gain I’m supposed to have. Secondly, the perk says nothing about killed enemies health, just that dealing damage gives you health. If it IS enemies killed, it needs to be listed