Hellbore Lasgun iron sights

For the first point, I’d like to say the iron sights are calibrated wrong. The shot shoots to the upper left, not near the lower center.

As another point, does anyone else think this gun needs a scope like the other lasgun model? This gun is to be treated something akin to a sniper, yet you are stuck to basic crosshairs like an autogun.


Idd, the sharpshooter has no access to true sniper rifles or anything with a scope on it, and it is only the Kantrael lasgun that comes with a small sight and provides debateably better aiming mechanics that iron sighting.

Dude, its so weird that the gun thats most like a precision rifle in the lasgun family of weapons dont have an optic. On another but similar note, headhunter autoguns needs and optic as well.

The iron sights on the helbore are also ehhh… kinda meh i guess, gun metal grey gun, with gun metal grey iron sights, fighting in mostly gun metal grey environments, i lose the center of that thing all the time. Might buy a red weapon skin just to see if it makes the irons easier to track.

The guns in this game takes of to much screen real estate in general, i basically gotta lower my gun or tilt my perspective down a bit before shooting sometimes, just so i can get a clear sight picture before snapping off a few shots.

Helbore is great after the buff though, its very satisfying to one shot crushers, reapers and bulwarks, i used to hate the gun, but after having played around with it for a bit and gotten used to the charge up, i prefer it over the boltgun by miles.

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To me, and this is gonna be dumb but hey, I dislike the musket like look and feel of the weapon with the bayonet and all.
The playmobil noise of the shot feels also a bit cheap in my ears.

Takes a bit of time to get used to the gun but it is powerful.
I just wait they fix their Vraks headhunters to play with it some more.

Still wishing they have a pass on most of their iron sights though.
Let us put some red nail polish or phosphorescent industrial corridor marker on the bit at the end and that would already make things like … 83% better …

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I am a bit of a sucker for the steam punk aesthetic, so the gun kinda slots into that space with its weird cooling system and wood parts.

Also its the Death Korps of Krieg standard gun i believe, and i always liked those shovel carrying bastards, so that might affect my bias even more.

I actually like the noise it makes, it has a satisfying THUMP to my ears at least, but personal preferences and all that.

Guns in the 22th century has tritium sights or whatever they are called, the glowing ones, so its just plain weird that 42th millennium guns dont.
Yeah, ok, Death Korps dont have a red dot sight on their weapons, but neither do the other patterns of lasguns we are using as far as i know. Most lasguns seems to have this weird 2x looking scope thats integrated into the rail ontop of the gun. So if they can slap a red dot on the other lasguns for game play reasons, i think they can slap one onto the helbore as well.

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Plasma gun is pretty sniper once you get used to it. Not crazy about it overall but I’ve made some dang long shots with it.

I have not played around to much with the plasma, but i hear the hipfire is very accurate on it. Might have to be on the lookout for a good roll (this RNG shop crap is honestly killing me).

I’m not crazy about it but I’ve been using it as the recommended go to for the 100% acc challenge. So far keep not getting it, even though I think I hit something every time. Maybe bulwark shields don’t count?

To be fair, the Imperial Guard does primarily use iron sights throughout the published stories. Mostly due to the sheer number of troops (somewhere in the trillions atleast) and backwards attitude towards R&D in the Imperium.

They’re simple to make and maintain, reliable in all environments, and quite effective when put on a weapon that doesnt neec to worry about bullet drop or leading a targt. Magnification at that point is less of a “need to hit” and more of a “pick where I hit” for the common soldier.

That said I would love versions of the laser and autorifles that had proper scopes. Say 2X for the automatic & burst rifles and 4X for the semiautomatic-only ones. Mostly due to those times when I have to counter-snipe and the scab has the sort of cover that makes seeing him a matter of guesswork.

TBH, It’s more likely because the warhammer franchise predates the optics boom. In a lot of ways, we haven’t seen a major innovation in firearms operation since the AR15 and the AR18 came out in the sixties. There’s a few really innovative pistols on the competition scene, but pistols aren’t ‘important weapons’ to militaries.

Really, few small arms are ‘important.’ You just need ‘something in that role’ for the occasions the tanks and APCs and mortars are too much. The AR-15 and the AR-18 have between then about all the innovations you need for pure firearms function. Barrel in-line with stock for recoil control, etc. The main thing the 18 brings is a piston to an armalite system.

And so far, no one has come up with an idea at all that is radically better for small arms then one of those, the AR-18 is copied all over the world. (Most successful failure in history. No one liked it, but everyone copied it.)

What really sets modern weapons apart from the 1970s versions are suppressors, optics, lights, and designators.

On that front, there’s been a massive explosion. You have your old cross hair telescopes, your red dots, your red dot with magnifier, your holosight with/without magnifier, you have your tritium glowing nigh tsight iron sights, your etched prism sights… You have dual system weapons with offset red dot or iron sights and a big telescope up top, and that’s without mentioning all the night vision/ thermal options. AND without mentioning maybe a hundred really exotic or experimental ideas.

I suspect if warhammer came out today it would have all of that stuff as default. But warhammer is a bit of an old future. If you watch a lot of films made in the 1980s and 1990s, the space ships have old fashioned deep box monitors everywhere.

Today they would be shown with flatscreens. You can’t even get a new ‘deep screen’ anymore. Doubt anyone makes anything but flatscreens now. Most of those films, if they were good, stand up to the change, but you -still- notice.

Should we get optics? Yes, we need optics. Write any excuse you want. They are retinal implants that interact with the gun. They are holograms on the gun we didn’t see before because it’s only visable to the user. The Adeptus Mechanicus decided we’re ready for this technology and told everyone how to make it. Whatever.

Give us optics.

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