You gonna introduce us to your new slave, I mean peon, I mean… what do you call them Hedge? oh, Community Support. Glad you got some moar support. Welcome to the community Fatshark_Gatts, you’ll most likely have developed a drinking problem after a few weeks of dealing with us. I guess we can use this thread for moth memes now. Or has anyone done a bowsette meme for vermintide yet? I’m in the mood for some heresy.
Huh, I thought it was Julia that was Hedge’s new helper.
Well, have fun. I suggest developing a drinking problem, taking up cocaine, or any other kind of behavior that takes you away from this hellpit. I say that as someone who’s a part of said hellpit, and not a nice, kind, fuzzy-wuzzy part either.
Fatshart are going to make your job hilariously hard. They do not do a good job of keeping a community even remotely content. Once again, saying that as someone who throws feces at the devs every chance I get because they like falling face first into them a lot as of late. I don’t envy you, so, hope you’re getting paid well!
the funny thing is that JLB rages so hard but he still sticks around.
you just know that he loves the game.
If JLB does not follow the game that you love, then everything will not survive