It made sense to reduce amount of duplicate specialists, so people wouldn’t be permatrapped all the time. It also made sense to increase amount of ogryns to hit with charge, since it was too easy before.
But since you’ve done both at the same time, it now seems impossible to complete.
I went in several HI-intensity Damnation difficulty level missions and the most ogryns i saw at the same time was 4 and it happened once, so i’m not sure that meeting 6 ogryns is even possible at T5. And penance should be achievable, as it descibed, at Heresy level (T4).
But even if it is possible, please think about what you make players do. Charging through 6 ogryns means being 6 ogryns away from your team, which is most likely a suicide on required levels of difficulty. Meaning that you sabotage your teammates for a penance.
For the reasons described above, please revert penance change.