Havoc unlockable cosmetics

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I logged in on my veteran first after the update and was checking the penances for havoc and it show the cosmetics for my veteran, it also show the unobtained cosmetics when you open the cosmetics window with a lock (see screenshot) which is fine, but when I went onto my other 3 characters Ogryn, Zealot and Psyker the penances still show the Veteran cosmetic as a reward and in their cosmetic tab there is no preview of the unobtained cosmetics. Does that mean if I complete the penances for the new havoc cosmetics (black one) I only unlock it for the Veteran? Makes me feel I should wait with playing havoc mode until this is fixed so I’m sure to unlock the cosmetics for each class.

Steps to Reproduce (Required):

Logging into any character beside my veteran who I logged into first.

[PC] Do You Use Mods? (Optional):

No, I don’t use mods

Reproduction Rate (Required):

Constant (100%)

Platform (Required):

PC - Steam

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Yea, having exactly the same problem here.


the penance itself is the issue, the unlocks aren’t correctly tied to it, if you look at them they only have the one class unlock, for the vet. pretty easy mistake to make but i don’t know that they actually made it so penances can unlock multiple things like the reward track can.


yeah cosmetics viewer mods show unlock flags only for the vet stuff atm. can’t preview the others.


Yeah no that works just fine, has anyone completed one of the 3 penances which unlock an armor piece yet so we know if we get only the veteran one or for all classes?


They thankfully did. I completed a Level 25 Havoc and was relieved to learn that the cosmetic Penances apply to all Archetypes.

I have my Moebian 53rd bottoms, now I’m going for the tops and then finally the helmets!


Perfect, then I can progress without worrying it seems like.


Happy hunting, fellow seeker of the Drip.