HARDWARE BUG - Multiplayer Audio cutting out

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Issue Description:
I use Sony XM1000 Wireless headphones to game. They work great during cutscenes and any single player or hub world moments I get audio and music. However, when i join a multiplayer lobby I lose all ingame audio. I have had this issue before and this is because the wireless headphones have a built in microphone. Darktide detects and chooses to use my microphone on the Wireless headphones. I looked in the settings but I do not see a way to set what microphone the game will use. I have had this issue in the past on other games and it is solved by being able to set which mic your game will use.
Steps to Reproduce:
[Please add the steps that can help our QA department in reproducing the issue. For example:]

  1. Play game with wireless headphones with microphone
  2. enter into multiplayer session
  3. loading screen has sound
  4. load into actual game, game is silent
  5. go to menu to change microphone settings to fix cannot
  6. Need to be able to set your mic

Mission Name (If Applicable):

[Steam/Microsoft Store]
Player ID:
[Steam ID/Steam Profile URL/GamerTag]

Approx. Time of Issue & Timezone:
11/19/22 3am
Reproduction Rate:
Once - Rare (<10%) - Unusual (<25%) - Common (<50%) - Often (<75%) - Constant (100%)
Constant (100%)


Have the exact same issue from the same line of sony headsets (1000XM3). I can have mission audio by setting my audio device in the windows option to “handsfree audio”. Its trash tier sound that distorts often and removes any semblence of directional audio, but it is sound. Going to try forcing the audio and mic settings in windows for the app to be headphones for sound and headset for mic and see if that helps

Any chance either of you could give this a try?

Hi, jumping in the discussion here.
I’ve got the same problem with a seinheiser hd-25.
Tried this, it does work, the only downside is that you don’t have access to your mic anymore. So no in game chat, no discord to chat with a friend.
Also tried the workaround to plug the usb/bluetooth receiver on a back usb port, as it seemed to work for some AMD users and their usb problems, with no luck.

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