I was initially very happy with the changes made to Halberd back when the BBB was in motion. Certainly made the weapon stronger by introducing new combos and making the heavy attacks actually useful. Had some problems that made the weapon feel unfinished, but I was hopeful that Fatshark would’ve taken the reins from there and made the weapon feel proper. Sadly, that didn’t happen, so here’s my take on why the Halberd feels wrong, and what changes I’d like to see.
The biggest problem for me are the combos. The feel and look of a weapon is very important to me personally, more important than how strong a weapon is. And the combos, while effective, lack polish to make them look and feel good.
L1 → H2 - the sweep combo needs changes. It’s 2 nearly identical sweeps coming from the exact same side, swung the same way right after another, creating a very monotonous and boring feel for clearing hordes, which I don’t feel matches how a halberd (or polaxe) should feel. Billhook works because its Push-Attack → L2 sweeps come from different angles and criss cross, making a nice X shape, while Tuskgor Spear Push-Attack → L3 → H2 combo incorporates a stab in the middle to keep it from feeling repetitive, and help reinforce stabs as a core component of a spear (or at least tries to).
Making new animations is a no-go for Fatshark, so my proposal is to change the combo to L2 → H2. Would start off with L1 sweep, then chain L2 stab and H2 sweep. Yes, this makes it less effective because it’s not 2 sweeps right after another, but it’s a small price to pay to actually make the weapon feel nice and proper. This way it flows better with subsequent attacks as well, like H2 chaining into L2 stab, which can then flow nicely into L3 overhead, unlike now with H2 sweep going straight to L3 overhead, which is visually displeasing.
This would also naturally remove the H1 → L2 combo, which I don’t think is an issue since there’s H1 → L2 → L3 combo, which is nearly identical.
H1 → L2 → L3 is the other combo that needs some polish. Rather, it’s not the combo itself that needs changes, but the animation delay between H1 → L2. All the other attacks and combos of Halberd have the same (or similar) animation delay between attacks, except for H1 → L2, which has a much lower value (or none at all), making the attacks come out right after another. It makes the combo feel alien, like you suddenly switched to a different weapon with different attack speed and animation delay values, a weapon that carries no weight in its attacks (a major criticism I have of Mace & Shield and Fire Mace as well, a big reason why I don’t use those weapons). There’s a reason why all weapon attacks have similar delay values, and it’s to keep the weapon combos nice and tied together in feel. Adding in proper animation delay values would do a lot for the weapon to make it feel proper, considering how often one uses the combo.
Lastly, the Halberd feels too slow. Even with Mercenary & Foot Knight it feels just a little on the sluggish side, and the weapon certainly doesn’t offer enough to offset the downside of slow attack speed in my opinion. With the changes above as well, it could do with being faster, so a 10-15% attack speed buff would be great for the weapon to help it feel lighter and more competitive.
Bonus - buff L2 stab to share damage profile with Tuskgor Spear stab, giving it 4 more base damage?
Buff H2 sweep so it’s more worth using than L1 block cancel?