Hackers already in versus ?

So it looked like this salt revived himself in the first clip, and in the second clip his teammates gets down just fine, but salt’s health UI is stuck in red after he revives himself, he did it twice so i thought he might be cheating or is it some sort of glitch ?

No there are hackers, i had a saltz go down at a corner spot (just him and me there) with a fire&hook sitting and stopping me from getting to him…then suddenly, ALL skaven players just die instantly with no warning.

I didnt even realize at first, thought a bomb i threw out got them.

At that point i just sat down and refused to play,until he ironically went down against just a few seconds later. And did it again. Team refused to ress him and he RQ´.

Yep, here’s a better video on Reddit: There’s alot of complaining but versus hacking is indeed real : r/Vermintide

Upd: after some testing i figured out how you can pull unsanctioned mods when you are a host (unlisted bug report)

Two more wallhackers I had recently

proof would be cool, you know.

LOL! Just type in any search engine on the Internet “cheats for Vermintide 2 Versus” and see how much abundance of this… content. And already from the 3rd day of the release of Versus individuals with cheats appeared. So there is nothing to be surprised about.
UPD: What can I say if YouTube is full of videos with assassins with auto-aiming where SUPPOSEDLY the guys jump vertically into the sky and then, SUPPOSEDLY without being caught, auto-aiming at the heroes. LOL!

Me and a friend of mine ran into some Russian gentlemen the other day. They were really nice and “sportsmanlike”, and the game was as fun as it can get with hackers. Honestly, I’d have had a good time if I hadn’t noticed that they were completely immune to stagger while they were playing as skaven. They would not care about my javelin hits or the blunderbuss of my friend, nothing short of deadly force could dislodge them if they got someone as an assassin or hookrat, and they would not be staggered the slightest, and continue firing and moving as if nothing happened when they were flame rat or ratling. Yet there were definetaly hits, as the hit marker, sound cue, and damage they sustained had shown. They also dealt double the possible damage as flame rat, spawned before we left the saferoom, and I’m fairly sure they captured the flag objective on Righteous Stand in about 15 seconds.

The saddest part that these were not the kind of players who would just spam ults, noclip through the map, or otherwise be blatant about the hacking to troll people, nor were they the typical script kiddie aimbotter shítstain who makes his mental deficiency obvious in its own way. They actually pretended to be decent people and tried to be subtle about the opposite.


Kyra - played Elf. 10 000% wallhacker. He even doesnt try to hide it.

Is that for sure? Waystalker has a built in “wallhack”, if you hold your ult it highlights enemies through thin walls and small obstancles.

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He was HM and he knew about every single ambush, about every special position

He even prefired corners.
And only corners where specials were
He never “checked” or prefired empty spots.

I already played with him once in the same team. And i was like “how da fk he knows? No sound, no visual, but he knows that behind that wall there is a warpfire, how???”

And after playing against him i am sure he is wallhacker 10 000%

He was running like 100 meters without turning his face once and then he turned just to kill pack master in ambush that didnt even move

And he is like rank 30, gray rank. So he cant be “so good to predict everything”

And my teamates agreed that he is wallhacker.

I have rank 100 versus, and i played with good players. And that guy is just wallhacker.

Yeah, and most of these losers don’t even try to hide it. Then they have the audacity to act smug and gloat when they “win.” Just pathetic.

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I had the misfortune to meet gutter monkey a few days ago, he played RV with a handgun. I caught him multiple times turning to aim at me as soon as I spawned, looking straight at me for a second or two… before, I suppose, he realized that there are multiple walls between us, and I wasn’t going to peek. Obviously, he’d shoot anyone who peeked in an instant, no matter the concealment or the obscurity of the location. So yeah, that was more than just a little bit suspicious.


I fought against Gutter Monkey a few times already, I’m mostly sure he’s not cheating

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I saw him on stream and played against him. He is good but fine. And he is rank 100+

he’s not cheating lmao

Slayer with shield



Give my 1 cent - gutter monkey is a wallhacker, aimbotter and bug abuser.
His whole profile is accusations of him cheating.
Sigmar report was made MONTH ago and I sure much more report were made.
Still monkey not banned?

Fatshark, what are you doing?

Walhack+aim. Maybe he shot throw wall?

Skaven aim (Is it even real?) + bug. Probably skill, but man is a cheater so doubt it.

Attempt to bug abuse.

Skaven aim #2

There was a thing when I spawned as fire thrower under bridge and cheater come to it with prefire. No video thugh, that happend in start of a match and I thought that was a skill.

His profile

Ps. His teammates refuses to kick him. Cheater have 3266 hours of playtime. Imagine how long he cheat before versus… Community fault, what I can say.
As icing on the cake - a little chat after the round.

“Skaven aim”

Shows clip of him just hitting an assassin on people jumping the bridge


“Wallhacks and aimbot” (Bro didn’t even hit you on the clip). For a versus newbie it’s easy to think they’re hacking, but to be fair you took a long time to jump and thus he heard your idle noises, and because you were close to the edge of the wall… he (or someone on his team) probably tagged you

“There was a thing when I spawned as fire thrower under bridge and cheater come to it with prefire. No video thugh, that happend in start of a match and I thought that was a skill.”
This one is actually crazy, literally every experienced Versus player checks below the bridge regardless if there’s a rat or not because it’s one of the most common insta-downs plays ever

“His profile is full of hackusations!” Yeah that’s the nature of a Handgun abuser, if you have good aim and you use the handgun, you’ll inmediatly get called a cheater. FS pls nerf Huntsman and RV

Without first person killcam and replays there is no way to proof hackers in this game anyway
They can wallhack and aimhack openly and you will not proof anything.

“This guy is better than me at versus, he MUST be hacking” LUL

Your first clip, you constantly are jumping around and making noise and give yourself away, and are somehow surprised when he sees you despite him staring at you jumping back and forth like a madman.

Second clip was likely just luck and timing, elf jumps and assassin gets him midair. It can happen.

Third clip is just him dragging him down the ledge. Big whoop. Not an intentional “bug abuse attempt”

Fourth clip you’re basically 2 feet away from him, ofc he’s gonna hit you.

EDIT (Cuz I didn’t notice until now): In the 3rd clip, that’s not even gutter. That’s someone completely different. Look at the name.

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