Guys, I think I know why fatshark will never let us go shirtless

Because they put extra effort in every pants


To be fair, this shirtless skin with gloves is in the game files.
So at least the big man might be able to go shirtless at some point.


Perhaps we’ll get a Catachan Jungle Fighter with a flak jacket, rippling abs and bulging biceps. Maybe they’ll do a shirtless Zealot one.

Sad cause the shirtless option is the ONLY one where you can see that a woman has breast.

Cause FS doesn’t know that a woman has that in her anatomy


Pretty sure the “dull and prude” aesthetic is on purpose to really show our low rank.
Space Marines and Sororitas are high value, they’re allowed to be sexy.
Guardsmen are a rank below that, but you can see their training.
But we? We are prisoners in rags and other armor thrown to the wolves. Something like that.

Nah, they clearly know since in fact the shirtless option shows them.

That the body cosmetic options don’t show breasts is because it’s the same model used for both males and females, which is a product of the game being released incomplete. It’s half-assery.

It’s not that they have any problems showing breasts (or problems with women having them, as the shirtless model proves), it’s that they just wanted to get a product out to satisfy their investors. That’s how it works. Creating two different sets of models, a male and a female, for each cosmetic piece, would mean double the amount of work for cosmetics.

And they’d rather just re-texture already created male models over and over again and sell that. It’s not politics, it’s greed.


Guys come on. I can’t be the only one who noticed this

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I heard that there was a post ages ago on this forum where one of the Community Managers said that shirtless wasn’t allowed because GW said so.

I have been unable to find that post so I don’t know if they were talking out their ass. Anyone else hear the same thing or able to confirm?

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There was an update months ago where we could choose a shirtless option, but it was removed in another patch or hotfix.

I know…
but I have seen a dev answering us that it was untrue and there was difference between male and female models
something I consider like a punch in the face… blatant lie.

Need butt naked priests WRAPPED IN A FEW SCROLLS FOR A LOIN CLOTH and shirtless oGryns NOW! There is nothing scarier than a naked person with an eviscerator charging you haha

Its a shame GW is british, the game would sell more with more boobs

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