I’ve got mobility. I’ve got Penetration.
At the gun workshop I’m going to commit to locking the weapon stats (i.e. top half) so that I can only move those two stat bars. But as I drag Penetration up, Mobility goes down 1:1 , so that I can rebalance the weapon towards something I want.
I’ll pay in gold pressed latinum diamantine if you like?
Really, at this stage, I’d just be happy for any change. I’ve got the shop browser-plugin, and having tracked the shop for over a month, likely lets say 100 rotations * 4 characters, I’ve maybe dashed across to my gaming PC once or twice in that period for a “must have” buy. For context, someone just playing the game and checking once a day, that’s once in a year.
Also, and off topic, but mobility is a pointless statistic. Not that FS are going to rework any of their game now, but even if that had been “weapon draw time” or “cross hair reset after moving” it might have had a point. Or a passive debuff to movement. Anything really other than a stat I’m not going to use as I switch to melee to move/dodge.
yeah wouldn’t that be grand? and at the workshop you could change sights, put silencers, flash hiders, muzzle breaks, lasers, different style torches, skins, front grips…
call me a nihilist, but it’s not gonna happen. ideas like this has been raised and discussed on this forum, by community, since this game was released.
if this was going to happen, you would hear about it.
i would love that FS would prove me wrong, but as batman says, always bet on black.
No one was particularly happy with the crafting system in Vermintide 2 either at a similar point in that game’s life cycle.
Fatshark had said a bunch of times they are looking into reworking it. Then Winds of Magic released with its own separate crafting system and we all thought that was going to get added to main game. Fatshark said again they’re “discussing internally” or whatever. At some point, they stopped responding to community questions and it just became evident that a “rework” was never going to happen.
This all made the situation in DARKTIDE even worse for us, because we all naively assumed the athanor / weaves crafting system from VT2 Winds of Magic was going to be repurposed for DT. But alas it was not to be.
Given the similar “we’re discussing it” attitude, I don’t think FS ever intends to substantively improve DT’s crafting or progression systems.
And I realised a few hours later that I’ve just re-championed the cause of #breakthelocks - just in a different way. The idea came out of frustration from watching the store refreshes from my browser, and realising that 99% of stuff had no use for an endgame player. At all.
Quite why FS think 300 is a suitable baseline for a level 187 zealot (30+157) I’m unclear on. Sure, I’ve got stuff that’s okay, great in some cases, but I’ve been chasing a flamer for about 6 months now that is 1) over level 510 to make it worth working on, and 2) has let me slot blaze away and overpressure (just to try it!)
Shame they got nerfed before I had the chance.
*edit case in point; genuinely, who wants this screen filler in game?
Considering the way that weapon variants look and work, I’ve had a theory that proper weapon customization actually was supposed to be in the game, but was gutted and reworked into the current system to hype that “70 something ‘unique’ weapons” figure we heard about before release.