Grail quests (with traitor spice!)

so here’s my idea that i think would be VERY easily implemented and add a whole lot of gameplay variety. as default, in every single game, give all 4 players each a single randomly assigned quest to complete during the mission, this could be any of the normal grail knight ones or you could take advantage of darktides exploration focus / weekly quests / achievements a bit more and make the objectives a bit more involved and creative and something you have to go out of your way to do, but more importantly: have a small percent of the possible objectives, small enough so you cant assume EVERY game has one of these present, be sabotage ones. yes like amogus, hear me out.

fail a terminal input X times, throw a medicae battery out of bounds, knock around friendly players with explosives, let a friendly player die to a pinned dog, trigger a daemonhost, things like that where you COULD realistically try to pass it off as just being a bumbling idiot if you put on your pokerface, but then have the team able to pull a commissar on you if they dont buy your story and youre too obvious, and kill you - failing the objective and forcing you back into just playing a normal game of darktide with them.

Wouldn’t that promote griefing ? Like it would give an easy excuse to griefer “Oh I’m sorry I had to let you die for my mission” sort of way ?

I’m not against GK’s quest system returning, maybe on a Veteran branch where it’s getting bounties or something but having it push toward non-cooperative playstyle that wouldn’t make people enjoy the game as much.

On the other hand, just like VT2 which is starting to gear up again for Versus I think that having the “enemy” player have such sort of quests would be quite a good way to push them into daring plays, to get buffs or reinforcement by targeting players in different ways

well there wouldnt be a point to undue griefing that isnt already there, if you wanna do any of these things i listed you already can, the main difference would be people could pull a little commissar vote on you to kill you for doing it in addition to the normal votekick that’s already there. in reality there’d be no reason to grief unless you really did have a quest for it, because you’d be punished if you didnt manage to trick your team into forgiving you. similar to other “infiltrator” style games like kane & lynch 2.
i think the most important part here is that everyone gets a randomly assigned grail quest every single match, and it’s far from guaranteed you’ll end up with one of the team having a traitor quest, so the majority of your games it would just be a little extra objective to try and do cooperatively, like a grimoire but more varied and interesting, and you’d ACTUALLY be in doubt if someone messes things up because you cant easily assume they’ve got a traitor quest or if they just made an error.

Yes, but the game isn’t “promoting” it either.

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I think a bounty hunter would make more sense as one of the branches for a Scum/Outcast/Criminal class (like the Dark Heresy background). The only problem with such a class is that we’re all supposed to be scum along with our other archetype.

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But this game isn’t Among Us, Werewolf, Secret Hitler, or a social deduction game in general. It’s a co-op game and this idea goes against that foundational truth.

Implementing team goals for a bonus sounds great. Forcing you to grief does not.

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While yes, the amount of work needed for a new archetype is much bigger, so I don’t think it would happen often, if it even happen (Never said a word in favour or against it), and would have certain priorities.

Tech Reject for example.

On the other hand, having each Archetype develop 1 or 2 new branches wouldn’t be quite as much work.

Also thinking further on Bounties, it could also be put on an Enforcer branch. And it’s not an issue as Aura don’t stack in the game.

doesnt have to be about that to have elements of that, it’s not a roleplaying game either and it has RPG elements. this would fit the narrative and theme of the game and feed into the social part of the 4 man cooperative group dynamic of these types of games, again, like in something like K&L2s mp.

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