Grail Knight by comparison is a weak hero

Thats a good reply Slash.

GK is replacing every aspect of Slayer. Have you even played GK and Slayer for at least 200 lv?

wot. that’s not the case at all


Bretonnian sword is not his highest armour damage imo, Exe sword and two handed hammer outperform it super hard.

I cannot stress enough how much I hate the 2h hammer, and I find Exe sword lacking in comparison to Bretsword in terms of attack speed and I like the parry on charged attacks.

You hate it that much, that doesn’t mean it’s not incredibly strong in killing elites.

Maybe it does, but it sucks so much in all other regards that it makes it completely worthless.

No it doesn’t lmao, it has incredibly strong hordeclear as long as you aim for the heads, with incredibly strong elite damage too back it up, it only lacks in defence, which means you need good positioning. It’s one of the strongest weapons in the entire game on GK and Merc.

The hordeclear cannot be as good as any other one of Kruber’s weapons. The only horde clearing 2h hammer has is headshotting with slow, heavy attacks ; which by my definition is everything but “incredibly strong”, specially when compared to, again, any other weapon.

Here’s a video off me using Executioner and Bretonnian shield on Grail Knight, as you can see, it’s quite effective with the right positioning.

As much as i hate showing the scoreboard too show how effective a weapon is, it is a decent way off showing the hordeclear capacity off a weapon.

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I think he was talking about the 2H-hammer

Just to show the argument chain. The video may be nice (havent watched it) but it uses the wrong weapon. I think the confusion started here:


My bad, i should have paid more attention, L.

I think that overall he’s pretty good, i play him with mace&sword+exec sword with 60%stam regen+60%blockcost reduction. The only thing that feel underwhelming, imo, are his ults. The boss killing one seem fine but the other two option are meh.

The mouvment speed one can be useful but it’s just an “extra” witch means you can do just as fine without it. The horizontal slash has some good stagger but damage wise it’s pretty pathetic, it cant kill more than 3 marauders and is on a such big cooldown. Only the killing boss ult seem to be pretty adjusted for a 40 secondes cooldown.

The horizontal Slice is a very good option, because it allows you to get rid off elites/ specials inside a horde, It makes up for his weakness. It’s a tradeoff between boss damage and a safety net.

Does it really do this though? I admit I haven’t played with it extensively, but whenever I’ve used it it feels its cleave is nowhere up to the job of standard horde density. Throw a few elites in there and I tend to find it just staggers maybe half of what’s in front of me and kills barely anything. Are you aiming high to try and snipe just the elites without losing all your damage cleave on the horde?

Maybe I’m just using it badly, but I’ve found the horizontal Ult extremely disappointing in all the situations I’d most want to use it.

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I don’t know, i feel like if i’m in such situation where i have to use my ultimate as a stagger tool i’m probably already screwed. What I mean is that the animation is a bit too long to use it as a reliable stagger source against close encounter with speicals. That’s why i prefer running 60%stam regen and spamming pushes.

You should usually have enough damage to easily kill 1 or 2 elites/specials in a horde with it. it also cleaves zerkers quite well.

It’s not really a stagger tool, it’s more about the cleave for elites/specials. the stagger kind of sucks. But this is something you can only really figure out on your own, if your going to run it in a game, try saving it for when there’s elites/specials in a horde.

but what’s the point of cleaving if your ability damages only the 3 first targets. I think the only scenario where the horizontal slash deals more elite damage is against SV and monks/zerkers, otherwise the dual ult deals/kills more targets.

I’m not sure, but i think it hit’s elites first, even if you aren’t actually hitting them first. at 8:50 in the video, you can see it easily cleave through a bestigor, and some enemies. and at 13:20, it cleaves through quite a few rats before landing on the SV, but it still kills it.