Glaive weapon input issue - queued light attacks are prioritized over block

Issue Summary:
With the Elven Glaive, on PC (and likely on other platforms too), rapidly pressing the light attack key and then the block key results in an extra light attack before the block.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Equip Glaive.
  2. Tap the Attack key once to launch a light attack.
  3. When the light attack animation is almost finished, tap the Attack key once and then immediately start holding the Block key.
  4. Expected behavior: after the current light attack is finished, the weapon should go into block mode. Observed behavior: after the current light attack is finished, the weapon performs another light attack, and then goes into block mode.

Note: Another/easier way to reproduce this is to rapidly spam the Attack key and then start holding the Block key. The game will perform an extra light attack before going to block mode. This is how it typically happens during normal gameplay.

Reproduction Rate (Choose One):
Constant (100%)


I reported this during bbb as have others. But if I remember correctly, they said they were unable to replicate it…

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IMO what they really were thinking was:we can’t be bothered to fix it because glaive is still a popular choice.

Yea, I’ve just trained myself to only click twice then hold right click to cycle in the block push attacks. Otherwise I will eat damage from the enemies doing the running attack animations while hyper stacked.

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