Getting your blessings

It can be frustrating to not have the blessings you want, and even more to go thru the cycle spending credits/plasteel, in an inefficient manner.

Below I provide you with a guideline for getting your blessings, taking advantage of the various stores, and mission rewards.

Items you can buy

  • Check the store for any blue quality items that have a blessing you do not already own.

  • Purchase any green/grey quality items that are available and are weapons you can/will/maybe use.

  • Consecrate the greens, if you get a blessing you do not have, sacrifice the weapon at the shrine.

  • If it gets a blessing you already have, that is a lower rank of one you considered using on the weapon anyways, consecrate it to the max.

  • If you made it to this point with a max consecrated weapon, look at the stats, blessings and consider wether reblessing/refining will make it near perfect, or functional as an upgrade to what you are using.

  • If it is of no use to you, odds are it came with a blessing you did not already have, and can sacrifice it at the altar.

  • If it is a blessing you do not plan on using, but do not have, sacrifice it, as long as you do not plan on using the weapon, or are not happy with the other stats.

  • If you are super stacked in credits and plasteel, gamble credits at Brunts armory till u get a 370-380 grey weapon. Repeat the process above, or fully consecrate if you get a 380.

Mission Rewards

  • Blues should only be further consecrated if you plan on using that weapon. They are not really worth it IMO.

  • Purple rewards from the emperor(upon mission success), are a huge reduction in costs, and are worth consecrating to max. This is worth every plasteel.

  • If the reward has a blessing you do not own, even if its a silly one, just sacrifice it, there is a high chance you will regret further consecrating it, and will be out 700ish plasteel.


  • Depending on how many melks you have, you should either focus on purchasing weapons with blessings you will use, regardless of the weapon lvl quality, or waiting for a specific upgrade.

  • Do not impulse buy, cuz you will be mad tomorrow when you see the weapon that has the blessing you have always wanted.

  • If you are stacked in Melks, just buy blessings you do not own, till u are down to about 5000 melks.

Good luck hunting rejects, hopefully this makes things a bit easier for some of you.

TL;DR: Be lucky. Don’t be unlucky. Got it, thanks.


that is a good summary, thanks

I’ve heard if you quit work as well as end the relationship with your girlfriend so you can farm materials all day on malice and - this is the most important part - own Tencent stocks your chances of receiving a weapon that is not complete trash goes up to 0.4% each week.

you’re welcome

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Advice for getting your blessings in 5 (6) points:

  • Only worry about your highest unlocked tier of each blessing. If you already learned the blessing as T4, you do not need to learn the T1-T3 variants too (unless you want them for completion).
  • Before going out of your way to obtain a specific blessing, check your inventory. Maybe you already have a weapon with that blessing on it, obtained as random mission reward.
  • Check the number of available blessings for your weapon. Spending ressources on the upgrading RNG machine is more likely to be successful when a weapon has a relatively small pool of available blessings.
  • When spending Melk coins, be thoughtful and only buy blessings that you actually intend to use. Preferably buy the good T4 blessings for weapons that have access to many blessings. This way you can circumvent the extra bad RNG you would have to suffer through, if you tried to get the blessings from upgrading weapons of that type. Try to always keep ~4000 Melk coins just in case something great shows up.
  • The chance to get a T4 blessing seems to be massively increased for the 2nd blessing slot. So upgrading a blue item to orange is more likely to get you a T4 blessing, than spending the same amount of ressources to upgrade multiple grey items to blue quality.

  • Do not expect anything, except that you will likely burn through hours worth of ressources, without getting anything good. Or maybe you get lucky. But you should be ready to get f*cked by RNG.
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Why would you ever farm malice?

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Is this really your biggest issue regarding the suggesions in that obviously satiric post?:smile:

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Understandable :smile:

At least, getting rid of job and wife, will increase your potential farming efficiency.

But no matter how degenerate it gets, you should not play malice for farming efficiently.


Here is a guide how to adapt your personal life to increase your chances for perfect weapons:
(just change XP to crafting materials)

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I’m getting Flashbacks to FPS Doug:

“Sometimes I wanna join the army. I mean it’s basically like FPS just better graphics.
But what happens if I get lag out there? I’M DEAD!”

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I didn’t read the entire thing but this may be his least idiotic post ever!

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