Kiaora! After the updates one of the community managers stated that they were going to collect some feedback for the future of Darktide. I haven’t seen that thread yet and I have a terrible memory so I’ve decided to create this for people to share their ideas in.
So in no general order, here goes.
Automatic fire toggle - Currently it’s painful to use fast firing weapons like the laspistol. There is a mod currently available which enables single fire weapons to shoot automatically when holding down M1. This is a massive QOL improvement and I wont currently use the fast firing, single fire weapons without it.
Weapon specific blessings - The current blessings in the game are not overly interesting. Having generic + damage increase on kills is pretty boring. What I would like to see is blessings specific to each weapon that changes their playstyle be implemented. With the rework to blessings like stripped down, I can see this changing slowly, but more would be appreciated.
For example: A blessing that makes the thunder hammer charged hit fire a blast cone out the back of the target. This could reduce the impact damage of the hit in exchange for a targetted AOE. Another example could be a blessing that lets you load more then one special round into a shotgun. Ideally some blessings would fit an individual weapon instead of just a class, but I understand that’s a lot of work.
Better weapon specials - Many of the weapons just have a generic bash as the weapon special. This is not often that useful as for most weapons it’s generally better to swap to your melee weapon and shove. There are plenty of lore things you can go through here. Autoguns being able to swap ammo type etc. Which leads us to:
Weapon customisation - Most of us have seen the mod that enables us to customise weapons in game. This is a really cool feature and I hope it is implemented fully at some point. Honestly all I’d really like is the ability to swap out weapon specials and scopes. Being able to fix a bayonet for a melee heavy mission or a flashlight for the dark would be really nice.
Height adjustment - Let us swap height at the barber. This actually affects gameplay so will be a big QOL change for people that started this game casually but got really into it later.
More interesting secondary objectives - Collecting grims and scrips kinda sucks. The rewards aren’t really worth it and they aren’t in really neat secret places like in vermintide, just sorta thrown about. You could add a lot of map replayability by working in some cool objectives that offer extra crafting materials. These could be random events that occur. Stuff like, you come across a demonhost summoning ritual and can choose to disrupt it to prevent a demonhost being created. Or you find a secret ammo stash and if you carry it to the dropship you get a reward.
More earnable cosmetics - I’m sure you have a bunch of talented artists that have churned out some really cool sets which you are holding back to throw in the cash shop. Do your players a favour and release about 5 of these to the regular cosmetic shop, potentially behind penances. Please include the trailer armour sets in here. This will reduce the animosity towards the fomo cash shop and make people like myself more likely to actually drop some more money on this game in the future.
That’s everything I can think of right now. I’d love to see some ideas from the rest of you about how the game could be improved in the future.