Games Workshop is getting absolutely decimated over here!

Pretty sure she sold 2/3 of her shares.
Didn’t lose them.


If i ever could afford GW product that’s mean i can afford a 3d printer as well… And the later one has more utility…


Screw GW, they just ruined 30 years of lore building to pander to fragile narcissists who need constant validation to barely function.

Who then call everyone a bigot, misogynists or racist for not liking the changes that everyone of all creeds has enjoyed in harmony for over 30 years.

Who also then cry, well it doesn’t matter… But if i didn’t matter then why did you cry like babies in the first place to force the change that was never needed or wanted?

These woke narcissists are cause of all the toxicity in all fans bases these days.

Star Wars, Star Trek, The Witcher, M-She-U, Disney, Netflix, Fallout, Resident evil. It’s a narcissistic mind virus that spreads through social media, it’s all about “them” and not the millions of fans who lived in harmony for decades.

GW can F the right off.


True. I need to stop writing my stuff scatterbrained with half the eyes on another screen.

Fix’d OP.


Having been into 40k for decades, I have no idea what lore a female Custodes (as opposed to Astartes) violates, or why people would choose that to be ultra mad about of all 40k lore inconsistencies out there.

I admittedly also haven’t committed to a deep study of all 50something Horus Heresy books if there’s something buried in there, nor do I care to at this point.

More to the point, I don’t know why social media outrage-for-profit stories about GW exec’s compensation are worth talking about on a videogame forum. Particularly when GW’s been playing shenanigans on that front since…ever, back when they were doing things like borrowing money in order to pay dividends that neatly doubled the Chairman/CEO’s yearly compensation back in the 00s.


Lore states (or stated) in multiple sections, that all custodes are boys from noble houses and that all custodes are male.

GW now changed these sections of the lore to include female custodes and then, when asked about it, they claimed that “there have always been female custodes since the first 10.000”, despite the lore having said the opposite so far.

The sisters of silence are ALL female. Yet they are liked by men and women alike.
Nobody minds women in 40K.
What people are mad about, is that women are now being shoehorned into the custodes and that GW are lying about this always having been the case.

This change is clearly not motivated by an in-universe reason. It is not an artistic choice that improves the story. It is put in there for political reasons (likely forced by amazon).

People don’t like that, since this undermines the integrity of their story telling.


The absolute state. Meanwhile in all closing comic/hobby stores in the area they have no GW plastic and tons of sports cards. Imagine being able to sell plastic without paint for hundreds of dollars and not just making plastic. You’d think they would have LEGO for inspiration as to why it behooves you to just shut up and crank out the sets.


The one that says Custodes are the sons of nobles.

Which pretty much rules out females.

Like I said before, if the change doesn’t matter, then why change it in the first place?

This has nothing to do with developing the lore, but everything to do with pandering to narcissists, who are generally not interested in the game, but rather pushing their BS ideology down everyone’s throats.

With pressure from the like Amazon and BlackRock et al who are forcing their ESG and DEI on everything they invest in.

It ruined almost every franchise out there, including games.

Like Alan Woke 2, who raced swapped the female character, then made it so her straight white male superior couldn’t give her orders, despite being her superior officer, because Sweet Baby Scum decided that a white man couldn’t give his subordinate orders, because she’s black… That’s not the narrative they want to tell.

They see it as racist that a white man can give a black female orders.

And GW just pandered to these insane nut jobs.


As someone who’s been into 40k since the early 90’s, with the Collected Visions and the first FW Horus Heresy Betrayal book at hand, and a closet full of 40k models, that’s not a lore point I could have ever recalled seeing. Though again, if there’s something buried in the HH series or a newer codex I probably haven’t read it.

It’s not something I see as particularly compelling to be upset about if the characters are well written. If it’s a writers personal hamfisted projections, that’ll be bad regardless, but otherwise I can’t find it in myself to be butthurt about. 40k lore has never been terribly consistent, and Custodes lore was practically nonexistent for the first 20+ years of the IP’s existence, arguably longer. Custodes now are huge monsters in golden armor that put Space Marines to shame individually, not half-naked proto-“300” looking normal-sized humand dudes they were originally portrayed as either. Same way Leman Russ used to be a 41st millenium Imperial Commander, not a Primarch, when Space Marines used to be wounded on 4’s and only saved on 5’s against lasguns.

This is less of a change than half the stuff GW’s done just in response to Chapter House, liking ditching one Tyranid drop-pod life form and reinventing the entire concept with a new name :rofl:


The difference is, that those changes were made for story telling reasons.
Not to push a political agenda, or because amazon wants that ESG score.



Well, I don’t know…


That is the edited description, after it was changed.

If you read further down on the page, you might find that they mention that custodes were all male and that it recently got changed.
Unless that section was now removed from the wiki.


I guess it’s based on that post.


We’re supposing a lot here about what’s going on with the writing with Amazon. We don’t even know if that’s an Amazon led thing or a GW thing outside of social media outrage posting. If the show comes out and it’s good, I don’t really see a reason to care. If they’re hamfisted projections using the show to shadowbox the writer’s red herrings, there’s space to be mad.

And GW has changed its content for all sorts of reason all the time, including political sensitivities.

I mean, we don’t see Chaos art like this anymore for a reason.


Henry being based again. What a lad. Then again he’s a custodes player. No wonder he’s mad kek.


So your mindset is “I don’t give a f*ck, why does anyone else?”

Thank goodness we’re all different, or we’d be in a right mess wouldn’t we, going right back to the stone age?

I’ll grant you, at least it aint an echo chamber in here with you contributing your opinion.


I don’t see an issue with Female Custodes , yes it contradicts everything ever written (except that one time) but it doesn’t matter. 40k universe is a made-up fantasy world. If the female Custodes can help bring more people to the setting, I’m in.

Rumor of Henry Cavill losing faith IS however very concerning.

It’s obvious why Amazon are pushing for it.

They want some, soulless girl boss character who is great at everything, better than men, to order the space marines (men) about, because with out her all men are stupid.

Cue self insert writer giving herself a lady boner, living out her fan faction.