So, before we get started, I will claim no particular proficiency at being the psykinetic. This is purely based on my gameplay experiences and understanding of 40k’s internal lore.
Psykers for fun and balance
Currently, psykers face gameplay concerns that no other class faces. Their primary gameplay loop centers on Warp Charges, which are built by Brain Burst (unless you have certain feats, which the sufficiently foolish would argue offsets these concerns, while disregarding that this means you are acknowledging the character cannot function without these feats, which implies a design failure in the core gameplay loop.).
As solutions to this particular concern, I propose the following changes, either individually or together.
- Have Brain Burst give preferential targeting to Elites and Monstrosities. Oftentimes these are buried within a trash mob, and given that the general consensus is that the Psyker is the party’s “elite buster”, it makes sense that Brain Burst should be able to target these before going after piddly little shits.
- Remove Quicken’s boosted Warp Charge buildup boost, and instead give it the ability to trigger a half strength Brain Burst on every target struck by the Psyckinetic’s Wrath.
- Make Brain Burst an instant activate, with a 4 second cooldown between uses.
Force Staves
Given the attention to detail in so many areas, it’s unlikely that the devs were unaware, but the Force Staff is, mechanically, identical to a Force Sword in tabletop. Given limitations of the game format, I do not begrudge them adding additional psyker powers to different staves, but what I would propose is make the Force Staff a melee weapon, but mechanically akin to the Ogryn Gauntlet. Primary attack are staff swings, secondary being the spell effect, and the special attack being a Force Weapon charge up.
This would give it a unique role as a melee weapon for the psyker as it would be better at crowd control, while also retaining the alpha strike power of a force weapon, but in exchange for giving up the Block and Push abilities of the sword. The latter being the primary reason I propose it as a melee slot option rather than retaining it as a ranged slot, like the Ogryn Gauntlet is, in that it requires taking greater risks, but in exchange for having a significantly improved ability for crowd control. It also gives the psyker more reasons to use ranged weapons that are not a Staff.
The biggest concerns I have with the bolter stem from the mistaken interpretation that a boltgun has a blast radius, when they do not. The round does have an explosive charge, but it’s meant to detonate inside a target, causing massive internal trauma. It is not a grenade, able to hit a half dozen proximate enemies at once. Changing this would better specialize the weapon, thus justifying the truly absurd damage it deals to heavy enemies.
Additionally, boltguns traditionally were burst-fire/full auto weapons. I would propose changing the current configuration to have a 3 round aimed burst mode for its secondary, thus reducing its capability as a high damage sniper weapon, while improving it’s capabilities as a close/mid range elite killer.