I just bought “Winds of Magic” and when trying to play “Dark Omens” to unlock the Bill hook the game crashes. It ONLY happens on Dark Omens. It’s actually the first time ever for me that the game crashes. I don’t use any mods, just the game as it is. I really only want the bill hook.
This is the error i keep getting:
GUID: b819bce0-098c-43d3-ad6c-5ed6a1fbd547
Log File:
Info Type:
I already verified the game files, changed video quality, tried solo custom and multiplayer, tried to do it with different Saltzpyre careers, did’t touch hats.
In other posts, Julia and Lev have said that they are working on the root cause of many problems and that should be fixed for the next hotfix (4.6.2, today they released 4.6.2). That should be ideally tomorrow.
It’s not something happening just in Dark Omens, but I think it makes sense it happens more often there. I was doing some digging and it seems to be related to a terror event trigger linked to Beastmen (that’s my theory, it’s not official info). So as Dark Omens has A LOT of Beastmen xD … well… it makes sense that it crashes a lot.