Alright so i decided to return tot he game after a few months, because of the update and the grail knight. I install and play Vermintide 2 via steam and I have never had any problems before with the game. Sometimes it can crash if you have to much going on in the background and handle it rough but this time around the crashes seem to be different.
Along with the game my computer also crashes and gets a blue screen. It says that it has something to do with the easyantivirus files you guys use to protect your game. This has never happen before so I thought that it was just a one time thing, programs can conflict with each other.
However when I lunched steam again I found out that I had to install the game once again even if the files we’re already on my PC.
I also did some research on my own and noticed some reddit posts talking about that antiviruscheats sometimes gets caught by other antivirusprograms so I went into my anti virus and excluded easyantivirus. Anyhow after deleting all the files that still we’re on my desktop and once again installing the game I tried to start it today but this time the same thing occurred and I’m not sure how I should proceed. Maybe its some bug with the new patch?
All I now is that I have never had this happen with this particular game before